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Recently I’ve hooked up my montage to an external sequencer (squarp pyramid)
Itotal noob when it comes to midi. The montage has been powering down on its own and all my packs, (bosendorfer, montage expanded, chic corea) have all been deleted from the montage. It’s also taking longer to boot than usual. Is there a midi setting that i could have messed with that would be doing this? I have two midi cables going to midi out and midi in coming from the squarp. Ive reloaded the Osaka pack back on my montage twice now it i keep losing it when the montage powers down

It’s initializing data every time i restart the montage. Is there a way to turn this off!?

Posted : 08/01/2018 5:34 am
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

The montage has been powering down on its own

You can set the “Auto Power Off” parameter as you prefer. Press [UTILITY] > touch “Settings” > touch “System” > change the “Power Off” setting to “Off”

all my packs, (bosendorfer, montage expanded, chic corea) have all been deleted from the montage.

The only way that your installed Libraries could be deleted is if you Initialize your MONTAGE or manually delete them. There are certain firmware updates where your Libraries will be purged (read warning included in firmware update download).

Since you are new to the MONTAGE, how are you concluding that the Libraries are deleted?
Touch “Contents” > “Data Utility” > “Library” this Folder will show your installed Libraries. And how many of the 8 are occupied

It’s also taking longer to boot than usual.

Usual boot time is less than 17 seconds. What is “taking longer”?

Is there a midi setting that i could have messed with that would be doing this?

No, not what you are describing, no.

I have two midi cables going to midi out and midi in coming from the squarp. Ive reloaded the Osaka pack back on my montage twice now it i keep losing it when the montage powers down.

I am not familiar with either of these items, sorry. What type of file is it? .X7U? .X7B? .X7L? .X7A? other?

Losing the data is quite different then it not being there - there are over 2000 Performances just in the Presets, then as many as 640 more in your User, and as many as 640 in each Library. Maybe the data is still there... When looking for it try the Category Search “Bank” feature.

From the HOME screen
Touch “Bank/Favorite” to view pop-in menu with all your instrument’s Banks.

Posted : 08/01/2018 5:25 pm
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Thanks for your response Phil, i figured it out tho. While messing with midi settings i turned on "initialize on startup"
i for some reason thought this would basically save the midi parameters i had set - instead its initializing the system data on startup
so i turned that Jerk of a function off and now everything is fine.

Posted : 08/01/2018 7:18 pm
Posts: 0
New Member

One day I was also caught by this idiot function. If it's only for showrooms and music fairs, it should not be so easy to trigger. You imagine a power failure just before or during a live concert with this parameter activated by mistake: it would be the disaster. Please, for a next update, please secure this feature.

Posted : 09/01/2018 4:47 am
Michael Trigoboff
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Honorable Member

For this and many other reasons, it's a really good idea to have everything backed up on a flash drive in a User File or (even better) a Backup File.

I not only back things up this way when I do anything significant with my Montage, but I then upload a copy of the file to a cloud account, in case something happens at my house. You never want your device and all of your backups to be in one physical location.

Posted : 10/01/2018 2:37 am
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

There are only two kind of technology users: those who backup their data and those who eventually have catastrophes.

Posted : 10/01/2018 12:55 pm

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