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Programm Change via Midi for changing Live-Sets

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For it's unfortunately not possible, to change Live-Sets by using PG Change from outside via Midi - can you give me the (if possible) correct SYSEX - Order to do so?

Thnks in advance!


Posted : 08/03/2021 1:31 pm
Posts: 8050
Illustrious Member

The Performances in Montage can be recalled by sending 3 MIDI messages:

MSB, LSB, and PC (program change)

You can directly recall any Performance using MSB/LSB/PC. By directly, I mean recall as if you would by using [CATEGORY SEARCH] to find a Preset, User, or Library Performance. And you can recall Performances from any of these 3 areas (Library as in all 8 possible Library slots).

You can also indirectly recall Performances from Live Set. By this, I mean that everything you program into Live Set can be recalled as if you press the Live Set slot "tile". The benefit here is that any volume offset or other Live-Set specifics will be carried in when you recall a Performance in this manner.

The information for how to do this is documented in the Supplementary Manual which can be downloaded directly from's Montage product page or can be extracted from inside your firmware update ZIP file.

The supplementary manual I have on my hard drive is "montage_en_sm_h0.pdf". And page 133 of this doc has the table of MSB/LSB/PC values that recall Live Set.

MSB=62 decimal (3E hex)
LSB=0-15 decimal (00-0F hex) This is the Set List page # LSB=0 as page 1, LSB=1 as page 2 and so on through LSB=15 (decimal) as page 16
PC=0-15 decimal (00-0F hex) This represents the tile number on the page. Each page has 16 tiles (slots).

Note that you cannot access other banks (user vs library vs preset) using this mechanism. The MIDI messages will reference the currently selected bank - whatever it happens to be. Yes, this is sort of a shortcoming. I would suggest always defaulting Live Set to your user bank and never change it from there. This way, you can be accessing 256 Live Set slots inside your user bank. If you need to access Library content - then add a USER Live Set slot that points to a Library Performance. This is doable. This way you can get to everything you want to using the same bank default bank setting.

Posted : 08/03/2021 8:54 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

For it's unfortunately not possible, to change Live-Sets by using PG Change from outside via Midi - can you give me the (if possible) correct SYSEX - Order to do so?

Thnks in advance!


In order to change Live Set programs you use standard Bank Select and Program Change messages... not Sysex. Fortunately, it is possible to select Live Set programs via MIDI ... here’s how:
_These can be sent to the MONTAGE on any MIDI channel, 1-8, when the MONTAGE is in MIDI I/O Mode = Multi (yes any of these will work - the MONTAGE occupies the first 8 MIDI channels when in Multi Mode.
_These can be sent to the MONTAGE on any specific MIDI channel you desire when in MIDI I/O Mode = Single, Hybrid

The Bank Select and Program Change will work on the currently active LIVE SET.
MSB 62 is Live Set, LSB is the Page number 00-15, PC is the slot number 00-15

MSB = 62
LSB = 00
PC = 00-15 .... Live Set, Page 1, slots 1-16

MSB = 62
LSB = 01
PC = 00-15 .... Live Set, Page 2, slots 1-16

MSB = 62
LSB = 02
PC = 00-15 .... Live Set, Page 3, slots 1-16

MSB = 62
LSB = 03
PC = 00-15 .... Live Set, Page 4, slots 1-16

And so on through to...

MSB = 62
LSB = 15
PC = 00-15 .... Live Set, Page 16, slots 1-16

That’s 256 Live Set Bank Select and Program Changes of the currently active Live Set. 16 Pages each with 16 slots.
Currently Active Live Set = means the one you most recently selected.

Extra Credit:
You do not have to be one the LIVE SET grid screen when the Bank Select and Program Change data is received. Once you have selected a Live Set, you can be on any screen (even Edit) when you change to the next Live Set selection... in other words, you are not locked into any particular screen, you MSB/LSB and PC will work no matter where the MONTAGE is within its architecture.

Posted : 08/03/2021 8:58 pm

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