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seleciting modified multi part sound as a new single part for another performances.

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Greetings to everyone,

pop horns mellow is a brass preset consisting of 3 parts. if this preset is selected when creating a performance, the 1st part called POP HORN MELLOW is accompanied by the 2nd and 3rd parts named BRASS. I have assigned the function of the 2nd and 3rd parts to the main sound part of this 3 part preset called POP HORN MELLOW. and I want to use this versatile 1st part in my other performances. how do I call the new versatile part called POP HORN MELLOW, which I have reduced to a single part for convenience, to other performances. when I search for this name in category search, the old original 3 part set is selected. I want to select my new multi functional part 1 POP HORN MELLOW as a new single and selectable sound for new performances.

Posted : 15/06/2023 7:55 pm
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pop horns mellow is a brass preset consisting of 3 parts.

Interesting - on my Modx is consists of 5 parts.

when I search for this name in category search, the old original 3 part set is selected

What is found depends on the setting of the 'Bank/Favorite' drop-down. Change it to 'User' so that only your user performances are listed.

how do I call the new versatile part called POP HORN MELLOW,

That is why you should NOT give your user performances the same name as a Preset. Sooner or later you will forget which one you are using.

Give your user performances unique names and don't name them the same as preset or other performances.

For example you could add '1Part' or '1p' to the name to remind you that this is your own 1 part performance.

And don't forget that when you include that one part in another performance it will NOT include the performance level (e.g. superknob) settings or effects.

I have assigned the function of the 2nd and 3rd parts to the main sound part of this 3 part preset called POP HORN MELLOW

As long as you got the sound you want you are ok.

But that performance has multiple parts and each part uses different effects and has several elements. So in the Modx version with 5 parts it isn't possible to combine them into one part because together they have more than 8 elements.

The different effects being used can also be a problem. If you only have one part then you wll only have 2 insert effects available. With 3 parts you have 6 available and with the 5 parts on my Modx there are 10 insert effects available.

To be sure there is value to using fewer parts to get the job done rather than have several parts that only use one or two elements.

Posted : 15/06/2023 8:16 pm
Posts: 8259
Illustrious Member

It would be bad practice to save a modified Preset as the same name as the original preset. This makes things confusing - although the suggestion to filter by bank would be how to determine which Performance is which.

I would maybe save as "1p Mellow Horns Dg". That's different enough where you'd be able to find it.

[STORE] all of your changes to the name that's easy to find and unique.

Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R

Posted : 15/06/2023 8:23 pm
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Thanks for the suggestions. let me ask in another way.
An example ,
Can a certain part (for example part 3) from a modified performance with 8 new parts named A, be called from A ,
as the 6th part to a performance with 5 parts named B , if Part3 which will be transfered has not recorded as a single part Performance named C

Posted : 15/06/2023 8:51 pm
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I am talking about copying any part in one performance directly into another performance. without creating and saving a new single part performance for the part to be sent.

Posted : 15/06/2023 9:03 pm
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I am talking about copying any part in one performance directly into another performance. without creating and saving a new single part performance for the part to be sent.

No - you can only have ONE performance loaded at a time.

And to add a part to that performance you need to add it from another performance that has already been saved.

There can only be ONE performance in 'Edit mode' at a time. You can NOT use your new 1 part performance in another performance until you first save it as a new performance.

There are no 'parts' that are stored - even your new 'one combined part' can only be stored as a performance.

Posted : 15/06/2023 9:15 pm
Posts: 8259
Illustrious Member

I am talking about copying any part in one performance directly into another performance. without creating and saving a new single part performance for the part to be sent.

What's being referenced here is called Performance Merge. There's a selection called "Source" normally defaulted to "All" which means merge in all of the parts of the Performance you pick. Otherwise, you can pick a single Part within that Performance to merge by changing "source" to Part 1 or whichever single Part you want. This is possible.

You enter this "mode" of Category Search by pressing the [+] button on any empty Part of the current Performance. You don't press the [CATEGORY SEARCH] button to do a Performance Merge.

Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R

Posted : 15/06/2023 9:32 pm
Posts: 63
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this exactly what i need .. thanks Jason..

Posted : 16/06/2023 8:41 pm
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New Member Guest

this exactly what i need .. thanks Jason..

Just keep in mind that 'Performance Merge' will NOT let you copy a part that you have just created and is still in the performance edit buffer.

I have assigned the function of the 2nd and 3rd parts to the main sound part of this 3 part preset called POP HORN MELLOW.

You still have to save that modified performance before you will be able to copy that new part 1 to other performances.

And if you just resave the performance itself it will still include those 2nd and 3rd parts.

I am talking about copying any part in one performance directly into another performance. without creating and saving a new single part performance for the part to be sent.

Well, you really only have two choices:

1. delete those unneeded 2nd and 3rd parts and save as a new 1 part performance
2. save that modified performance and then add your new part 1 to it to a custom user performance.

Option 2 is basically ONE performance that acts as a collection of 16 single part performances.

The issue is that you can NOT save a part - you can only save a performance. But you can add new single part performances to you new 'collection'. That way you can have 1 performance that contains 16 parts with each part being a self-contained single part performance.

The above works fine IF you don't need any of those single part performances to use system effects.

A step up is to do what you said you don't want to do - create and save a new single part performance for your custom parts. That performance will have your single part as part 1 (all perfs must have a part 1) and you can add any system effects and performance level changes you might need to it.

Then instead of adding your new 'part 1' to future performances you use your new performance as the starting point and add other parts/performances to it.

That way your new part 1 will always have your system effects and performance level changes when you use it.

Posted : 16/06/2023 9:13 pm
Posts: 63
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Topic starter

got it. thank you Andrew

Posted : 21/06/2023 9:22 pm

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