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Since the 1.10 update, booting has failed twice

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If the Montage is so picky about a USB drive that data would become corrupted...

No, I don't see that being the issue. If it were, I think that Bad Mister might have offered this solution.

Yes, I would like to see a fix. In that Bad Mister has not contributed to this thread, I think they are still puzzling that fix out.

Forgot to mention prior to using the Samsung T3 Series 500GB External Solid State Drive I used a USB thumb drive, the Montage dialog came up to format. I formatted the thumb drive transferred 1.10 to the thumb drive inserted into usb port of the Montage to which the Montage did not see the firmware image. that why I used the Samsung SSD. Out of Curiosity I later reformatted the thumb drive with FAT put the image on the thumb drive again and the Montage recognized the 1.10 firmware.

Either it is the format utility with the Montage that corrupt the 1.10 Image after the montage formats it (this I doubt is the case) or the thumb drives being used are not compatible with the Montage format utility. That is why they Yamaha created test for compatible devices.

I have been fixing computers for over 20 yrs and data can easily become corrupted due to incompatible issues to some degree the Montage is a computer that deals with binary codes I0.

All thumb drives are not equal plus the fact that your USB Cell may be dying if it is an old one. Some have different controllers MLC/SLC these are some of the various technology being used. Then you have the quality of the Thumb drive.

In the computer when dealing with issues you go threw the process of elimination to find the problem.

I am pretty sure that those who having this problem do not have the same make and model thumb drive or maybe they do but to determine the problem maybe you guys should indicate what thumb drive you have and also look at the compatible device.

You can't expect Yamaha to resolve an issue if you are using incompatible thumb drives. it appears the problem was not there until you tried to update the Montage to firmware 1.10 that your problem began it not like everyone is having this problem. I do not have this problem.

Posted : 07/06/2016 6:27 am
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Well, no one from Yamaha has entered this thread to confirm or deny that a "boot bug" exists with 1.10.6

It exists for multiple users, according to some of this thread's participants. And not every Montage owner posts problems, (or even knows about these forums).

It's easy to blame an "incompatible" USB drive, (which is - like- every "untested" USB drive on earth, ya know... like 90 percent of them...)

Posted : 07/06/2016 9:03 pm
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I can only suggest for those who post or who are aware of the forum plus I am only aware what being posted within this forum discussing as I said before I do not have this problem thus would be no need to go looking outside of the discussion for an resolution.

It not about blaming the USB drive only suggesting plausible cause to the problem being posted. If it is the firmware 1.10 update that has the problem then everyone within this forum would be stating that claim not just a total of 8 people up until point. The only other situation would be you got a defective Montage because it can't be the firmware 1.10 it working fine for me.

You where the only one that stated that you are unsure of when the problem occurred because you updated to 1.10 before observing it the previous factory shipped.

Like I said I leave mines in the USB drive turn it on and off directly from the Montage to which fortunately I have not experience what has been posted.

The only way you can prove my theory wrongs is to go buy a USB listed on the Yamaha compatible device list and go through the same procedures of updating the Montage to see if the problem still exist this way you can determine if it is a faulty Hardware, Firmware or USB, you pretty much know what the deal is if you discover it is the Hardware or wait for Yamaha to give the exact nature of the offender.

Posted : 08/06/2016 4:33 am
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

Yes, let's wait for Yamaha to give us the exact nature of the issue. Thank you.

Posted : 08/06/2016 11:08 am
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Hi Harold... please note that it was another user that updated to 1.10.6 straight out of the box, not me. Note the title of the thread please 🙂

I was on 1.01 out of the box as I recall and all was well in terms of booting. It was several weeks later that I updated to 1.10.6 and this was when the issue presented itself.

Please note Bad Mister's post (above this one) which I interpret as: Yamaha is actively pursuing a resolution to this exact issue 😉

Oh and there is no intent on my part to prove you wrong or right... I will say that I have about a dozen fairly new USB sticks kicking around and they all work flawlessly on any device I care to use them in, including my Motif XS. Great theory (not convincing enough for me to add another USB stick to my collection at this time though).

Posted : 08/06/2016 6:30 pm
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Sound great hope they resolve your issue in the mean while enjoy your Montage

Posted : 09/06/2016 2:18 am
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Hi Yes I updated yesterday evening, but found the exact issue you did when I switched it on this morning.

I rebooted it, and so far it has not occurred again, but a little concerning none the less.

Posted : 09/06/2016 8:31 pm
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This has happened again but slightly different this time. Before, the screen only had the Montage motif displayed and everything else didn't light up - it was dead.
This time the touch screen was live and I could navigate using the touch screen but there were no lights and no sound. I switched off and on 3 times - still the same, on the fourth attempt everything worked normally.
Something is definitely amiss

Posted : 01/07/2016 5:25 pm
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Same problem with my Montage6. It has worked fine all week, but the display froze last night for the first time. Turning it off and back on again fixed the problem. I am hoping that a new firmware update will correct this issue. We will have to wait and see.

Posted : 01/07/2016 7:11 pm
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New Member

I can confirm - this bad boot happened to me once. I then turned the switch to standby and back on and it booted properly.

Posted : 01/07/2016 10:56 pm
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I've had my Montage 8 since mid-May, and have the latest OS updates installed, and I always power on and off using the stand-by switch 100% of the time, and have considered myself lucky that I haven't experienced this "bad boot" at all..... until today!...ugh! Yesterday, while the Montage was powered on, I accidentally stepped on the switch of the surge protector power strip that the keyboard is plugged into and power was interrupted to the Montage. I powered it back on with no problem.
But today, when I turned on the Montage with the stand-by switch, I experienced for the very first time the mystical "hung-up"/frozen boot-up where only the unresponsive touch screen is on, and no other buttons lit-up. Of course I repeated the power-up and it booted up correctly. Very peculiar and somewhat unsettling.

Posted : 07/07/2016 4:05 am
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