Excellent!.....presumably using the recorder to add one track at a time, in 'unconventional use' mode.......or do you think it was all mixed using an external DAW?
EDIT: I see it was recorded using Logic, so using an external DAW then.
I guess it might just be possible to do this using the internal recorder, but you'd need to use it with a bit of 'sideways thinking' ? For those of us who do not use a DAW, this is the one part of the new Montage concept that is difficult to deal with....
Shame, because its a great new board otherwise.... (I've had the chance to play the Montage 8 briefly).... it looks, feels and sounds wonderful. Maybe one day they might do a firmware update to allow the recorder to be used to make simple (non sequenced) recordings like the one in this video?..
Well, I can dream can't I ? 🙂