Hi I need Jason or someone on this please. Heres my problem in my DAW (Bitwig ie Ableton as the functionality is much the same), I am using the akai fire as a note input controller to a track with a HW instrument placed and set to the Montage. This way I can use the akai fire's scale settings to input notes in the Dorian mode or whatever.
However, when I try to turn the superknob while play button is engaged as I am recording notes, the LED lights are giving me resistance as I turn the knobs. (Superknob or other 8 knobs). Im not sure that it is recording the knob movement correctly as the lights make it look like something is fighting it.
If I turn that tracks monitoring to OFF, then I can press play and turn the knobs smoothly, however now the akai fire will not transmit the notes for recording.
Is there a fix to this where I can use the Montage knobs and the akai fire for recording notes at the same time?
If Local Control is turned on the Montage, try turning that off.
Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R
I think it may work if I do not use the Montage as the audio interface. I switched asio drivers. Local control on or off has no impact. the issue is the asio driver. Using the Steinberg driver for Montage is causing the issue
I fixed this by using a midi cc module and assigning its virtual knob cc 95 to my akai fire controller. Which by the way using Bitwig with the akai fire or launch control xl scripts is an amazing experience. It really fills in the gaps of what is missing on the Montage itself.