With My iMac already on, I turn on the Yamaha Montage the driver do not automatically load or initiate, I have to go to Audio MIDI Setup, MIDI Studio and hit rescan MIDI setup to initialize.
That’s unusual. Could be a preference you have set in your computer... Issues with your computer should be directed at Apple.
Usually, when you open a software application, that is when your computer will auto scan for connected hardware, but on most folk’s Mac as soon as the MONTAGE is connected the computer becomes aware of the MONTAGE. The MONTAGE’s USB icon (top line of the screen) turns bright blue to indicate communication... what does the top line of the MONTAGE look like?
The USB Icon is Blue as you noted.
I started Logic Pro X 10.4.0 pressed the Montage keys Logic Pro X did not respond, You can tell this by viewing Logic Pro X MIDI activity in/out.
Before I go to MIDI studio to rescan MIDI I will try out Cubase Artist.
Logic Pro X does pickup the USB Audio check back later.
The USB Icon is Blue as you noted.
The MONTAGE sees the computer.
Please read through this short article as a checklist:
Connecting MONTAGE and Logic Pro X
This morning I turned on my iMac opened Audio Midi setup opened Midi studio.
Next turned on Montage went to Midi studio it is greyed out.
I then checked core Audio devices. the macOS initiated or picked the Montage USB Audio but did not pick on MIDI.
Took screen shots
This morning I turned on my iMac opened Audio Midi setup opened Midi studio.
Next turned on Montage went to Midi studio it is greyed out.
I then checked core Audio devices. the macOS initiated or picked the Montage USB Audio but did not pick on MIDI.
Took screen shots
screen shot
screen shot
Started up Cubase Artist empty.
Add an VST instrument track Mystic.
Set Montage quickstep MIDI Rec on Daw
No response.
Went to MIDI Studio selected Rescan MIDI setup.
The Montage icon is now illuminated and the VST Instrument Mystic responds.
This is the steps I need to go through every time.
there is no preference set or change I made for this to happen.
This problem existed before I update to Yamaha Steinberg USB driver 1.9.10-2 from 1.9.10.
The purpose I updated to the latest drivers was in hope of resolving the issue.
If I turn of the Montage before closing any of My DAWS Logic Pro X, Cubase Artist ETC, I will loose connections to My Mouse, Bluetooth, Keyboard USB Hard drives.
The iMac freezes up or lock up by ejecting bluetooth and USB peripherals.
It would prompt me to hold the button on the back of the iMac because the peripherals will not work to shut down and boot.
To prevent this I have to make sure I completely close out any DAW by going to Cubase top left and select quit Cubase artist. When using the the X on the cubase DAW apps it does not completely close/quit I some time forget to do these step just mentioned to prevent iMac locking up or ejecting external hard drives Bluetooth/USB connections
When troubleshooting any system, pick a starting point and then follow the Signal Flow. This will help you because you can stop when you do not get the response you need.
Let’s do MIDI routing... in the MONTAGE you selected “Quick Setup” for “MIDI Rec on DAW”. This means when you generate anything on the MONTAGE, (Local Control = Off) the messages goes Out via MIDI (not to the internal tone engine until you "complete the circuit" through a MIDI Track assigned to go back to the MONTAGE)...
_ Double check that the USB icon is glowing blue on the top line of the MONTAGE... indicating two-way communication with the computer via USB.
_ You should also see the keyboard icon has a line through it ... indicating Local Control is Off.
The next place you want look is the USB signal arriving in your computer. If you can’t find it STOP. no need to go any further. If the signal breaks here everything down the line off MIDI Signal will not function. First place to look is the Driver Control Panel. Go to SYSTEM PREFERENCES, Find the icon for the Yamaha Steinberg USB Driver. Double click it. Launch “Audio MIDI Setup” and view the MIDI SETUP window.if you do not see an “active” MONTAGE icon, you STOP, go no further into setup. You need to fix the Signal Flow here - find out why you are not seeing an active Montage.
Rescan, then click the Test icon. It should ping the MONTAGE icon and the first In Port will blink as the test sound blips.
In your screenshot of the MIDI Setup, I see the Montage, and I see it’s 3 In/Out Ports but it is not active... something called “Panorama P1” is active (?)
Look, you need to sort out and configure your system for the different devices you are working with... undoubtedly some device seeking to negotiate for the Ports conflicts with others seeking to do business (I’m not sure why, but it maybe uniquely your system issue). I don’t even know all the players involved, what they do or even why you are using them. (Sorry)
Suggestion: Try removing them from the setup entirely (temporarily). That way you’ll get a look at how it can work and what it looks like when it does. Then attempt to configure whatever else you’ve got, see if approaching things this way makes a difference.
Sorry, I don’t know all you are working with... and even if I did, I’d need to work with it in order to give any good advice. But the above is what I would try.
Let us know what you observe. We’re willing to help if we can.
1 Thing I might ad.
Your Montage
Has to be on First!
Before you start any DAW or standalone midi software.
Turn Your Montage off when a DAW is running. And a message should Pop up- No midi/Audio device.
It is not like have a dedicated Audio/Midi usb/thunderbolt powered Interface. That is always on.
Tom if you read correctly I have already stated the obvious you speaking of, the montage was started before the DAW
The starting point is when I turned on my iMac, open Audio MIDI Setup, open MIDI Studio, Then turned on the Montage.
Then I went to MIDI studio after the Montage fully loaded, checked the Icon of the Montage it was greyed out (NO MIDI Connection).
In order to initialize the Montage Midi interface I have to do rescan MIDI setup.
I think this is a pretty good starting because this is the essential area where I found found the problem (Driver control Panel).
Ok The Panorama MIDI DAW controller. I did not have this 2 years ago.
About 2 years ago is when I purchased The Montage 6 and I had no other MIDI Devices used the montage as my primary sound interface and I had the same problem then 2 years ago.
Another point I just did a clean install 2 months ago macOS Sierra, one of the first things I installed was the Montage drivers Yamaha Steinberg USB 1.9.10, guess what the same problem.
So I updated the Yamaha Steinberg USB Drivers 1.9.10-2 just recently still the same problem.
I guess I have to go through the tedious task of rescan MIDI setup and make sure I do a completely Shut down any DAW I am done using.
By the way my iMac is not the only one, I have read within this Montage forum of the same problem by several member/participants.
It just a wait and see of when Yamaha or Apple find a solution.
Thanks for your help I will try what you suggested.
Clean install doesn’t mean anything. It does not necessarily solve anything, just saying. Take your time, you seem to think that your situation is the norm, let me assure you, it is not. What you are experiencing can be sorted out. You would do best to get on the phone with an Application Specialist who can troubleshoot it with you. Trying to cure your situation in a forum thread would require you are far more detailed in what you have and are attempting to do. This is complicated but it is not rocket science or brain surgery, it just requires persistence and being detailed.
I have got a call from Yamaha regarding the issue they where no help.