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Talkbox Patch

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I need help setting up a patch for a talk box. Want to use a plain sine wav with no effects on it and have the audio route to the assignable out "mono" and not be effected by the master volume control. My Kronos was already setup that way standard just can't seem to do it on the Montage. Can anyone help?

Posted : 17/11/2016 8:12 pm
Posts: 8050
Illustrious Member

Summary: FM-X default "Init" performance ([CATEGORY SEARCH], "Init", "Init Normal (FM-X) ) produces the sine wave. (There are other options from AWM2 as the sound source). Use the "routing" (Part Common: "Effect" -> "Routing") to select the part output as Assign L ("AsgnL") instead of Main L&R. This will be your mono output (the assign L balanced connector on the rear of your Montage). Same routing screen you can turn RevSend to 0.

It, this assign L output, is not affected by the master volume control.

You were not specific on the sine wave properties (frequency/duration/triggering/etc) so I'll leave that to you.

Posted : 17/11/2016 8:23 pm
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it will not let me change the routing on the Use the "routing" (Part Common: "Effect" -> "Routing

Posted : 17/11/2016 8:52 pm
Posts: 8050
Illustrious Member

The only way I could see you "go wrong" vs the instructions I gave is to select the performance global routing - which would be fine since this is a single part performance - there's not much of a distinction here. For me, both the performance-level routing and part-level routing allow me to change the touchscreen area where the output is selected.

I understand you're saying the results are different on your end, but let me go 1-2-3 with this to see we're on the same page process-wise

Edit: assumes already starting with an initialized performance - let me add those steps:

i) Press [PERFORMANCE] (HOME) button (may be redundant, but my usual "get Montage to a known state" instruction
ii) Press [CATEGORY SEARCH] button
iii) Touchscreen (TS): Near the top you'll notice darker grey "main" and "sub" categories to select from. On the far-right of the collection of these touchscreen boxes are two buttons with more separation than the others "No Assign" and "Init". Press the "Init" button. In response you should see a new list of options under these boxes which are the various initialization performances
iv) TS: Touch the "Init Normal (FM-X)" performance which will hilight it with a white box around it
v) Press the [ENTER] physical button on the keyboard (located under the DATA DIAL aka "jog wheel" in the lower-right of this group of buttons)

End of edit ... continue for rest

1) press [PERFORMANCE] (HOME) button
2) Touchscreen (TS): Touch the name which is directly above the square "Arp Off". Should say "1" on the first line "Init Normal" on the 2nd line "(FM-X)" on the 3rd line. I go to this detail since at the top of the screen the entire performance has the same name and clicking on that will lead you to performance-level options vs. part-level. For the instructions, I was intending part-level although either are OK as discussed above.
3) TS: left-hand popup displays, select/touch "Edit"
4) TS: lower-left, touch the "common" square. This will highlight it a blue/green color.
5) TS: left-hand menu bar - touch "Effect" -> "Routing"
6) TS: within the lower-right of the grey background area is a box that should read "Part Output" on the first line and "Main L&R" on the second line. Touch that box. You should see, in response, a popup menu appear in the far-left of the screen. The menu is white at the top (selected item = Main L&R) and light grey for the various other options.
7) TS: Touch "AsgnL" which should be the 4th option down

Posted : 17/11/2016 9:05 pm
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That helped immensely! Thank you so much

Posted : 17/11/2016 10:40 pm
Posts: 8050
Illustrious Member

Glad I could help.

... pivoting to use this as a motivator for some form of central repository for user generated performances:

If this is a normal type of setting for using a talkbox - and other keyboards have some preset that automatically has configured a performance (or whatever term they call it) to make external talkbox usage "plug and play" - then it may be worthwhile for someone to host probably an X7B/X7U/X7L (save file) of a user performance which sets this up. SoundMondo would be a nifty place for such a thing if/when that comes online - but in the interim there are a few places where user performances can be archived/indexed.

Then for some of the "standard fare" type setups - one could say - 'check with "xyz site" first for what you're looking for then check back if you did not find anything or what to learn about the steps necessary to build such a performance from the ground up'.

Posted : 17/11/2016 10:56 pm

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