I have the following
IMac - Catalina
Cubase Pro 10.5
Montage connect
Plus other studio equipment that is not relevant to this question.
I am trying to bring a song in using Montage Connect and all Midi comes in to Cubase as played with the exception of the Super Knob Midi.
After bringing in the song, I can add another blank midi track and record the Super Knob only on that track and all works fine. It shows up as cc65
This is very weird because when I play back the song on the montage the super knob works perfectly.
Therefore, I have a setting wrong somewhere. Under midi I/o the super knob is set to 65.
What am I missing.
By the way - videos from the Namm 2020 are fantastic.
Thanks for all your support
I found the issue - It was in Cubase
I went to cubase preferences/midi/midi file destination and changed it to instruments hit apply and the super knob midi data was brought in with the song. So I changed the destination back to the midi and all works now.
Not sure how that solved your problem but glad you got it working. Get back to us when/if you have other issues.
Just FYI
The “Super Knob CC” parameter determines what Control Change message is sent Out via MIDI when the Super Knob is physically moved. When set to a number 1-95 it will generate that cc message on MIDI channel 1. If “Super Knob CC” = OFF, the Knob will generate System Exclusive messages Out via MIDI when the Knob is physically moved. (Make sure your DAW software is set to record and thru System Exclusive Data).
By returning the generated MIDI message your external sequencer can manipulate the MONTAGE parameters assigned to the Super Knob.