Before I got my Montage, I spent a lot of time on, getting Motif XF help from a great set of people including our very own Bad Mister.
Trolls weren't much of a problem on because they had a [Report] button you could click on so that the moderators would be alerted to get rid of spam, annoying and irrelevant posts, etc.
There's a troll operating right now on The signal-to-noise ratio around here is dropping. I suggest that the moderators implement something like what provides, and then enforce civility and relevance.
I've been on various Internet discussion sites since the 1970s, starting well before it was even called "the Internet." I can tell you from experience that one bad actor can destroy a public site if the moderators aren't proactive. I'd hate to see that happen to
Erased by Bernd #2
Erased by Bernd #2