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Use Asgn Switch To Turn InsA Effect On/Off?

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Michael Trigoboff
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Is there a way to set up an Asgn Switch to turn a Part’s InsA effect on and off? I looked around and couldn’t find one.

Posted : 18/02/2018 3:07 am
Posts: 0
Eminent Member

You must assign "Asgn Switch" to FX amount (wet/dry)

Posted : 18/02/2018 10:40 am
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

Michael Trigoboff wrote:

Is there a way to set up an Asgn Switch to turn a Part’s InsA effect on and off? I looked around and couldn’t find one.

And you will not find one. The nature of an INSERT EFFECT, as the name implies, it is inserted inline with instrument signal. This means the output of the instrument (picture an electric guitar) is “inserted” to the input of the first effect, the output of that effect is “inserted” into the second effect, finally the output of the second effect goes to the sound system... or at least that is one possible configuration.

An ON/OFF switch in one of the effects would kill the signal entirely. As Roberto correctly points out, if you are going to find a way to defeat the effect it will logically be a DRY/WET balance within the Insertion Effect. Make sense? Set it so the Assign Switch sets it to 100% Dry.

Often ON/OFF and BYPASS are used interchangeably, we won’t go through that particular explanation... and go straight to the question.

Now, only those Insertion Effects that are true “effects” will have Dry/Wet balance parameters... those Insertion Effects that function as “utilities”, like compressor/limiters, equalizers, filters, etc. you will NOT find a Dry/Wet parameter, again, logically these “utility” Effect types need to be applied to 100% of the signal.

There are examples in the real world of INSERT effects with BYPASS switches, these are crude and mainly relegated to instruments where a little extra noise will not be noticed (i.e., guitar player’s rigs, lol) guitar players are the main ones who will stand for big clicks and pops as they switch effects in and out, and that 80dB of whooshing hiss, that’s their “standby” idling “ready-to-play” sound! But in most audio situations you want to avoid hitting a bypass switch during a quiet patch in the music.

So that’s why you don’t find an Assignable On/Off Switch in an Insertion Effect. That and the change in Gain might be too drastic to use practically. Often the gain is altered in the Insertion Block, and often this is dramatic, to avoid this dramatic change bypassing is not typically done. That said, you can find ways to accomplish the fundamental task ... if you look for it.

If you send 100% of the signal through an Insertion Effect and then turn the Insert Effect Off, you will have disconnected that Part from the path to the main output. Bypass would allow the signal to continue but the change in level might be dramatic.

You don’t say what Type of Insertion Effect (Effect or Utility)?

Posted : 18/02/2018 11:43 am
Michael Trigoboff
Posts: 0
Honorable Member
Topic starter

You must assign "Asgn Switch" to FX amount (wet/dry)

I don’t see anywhere to do that with InsA.

Posted : 19/02/2018 12:54 am
Michael Trigoboff
Posts: 0
Honorable Member
Topic starter

You don’t say what Type of Insertion Effect (Effect or Utility)?

The effect I am trying to do this with is Touch Wah. I wanted a way to turn the wah effect on and off.

After reading your message, I got something like what I want by controlling Touch Wah’s Lower Range parameter with Part Assignable Knob 4. I’d be happy to hear if there’s a better way to do this.

Here’s how I have the insertion effect routing set up.

This is a modification of Dave Polich’s Sustainiac voice from his excellent Motif XF Axxe guitar collection. I’m getting closer to sounding like Jerry Garcia.

Attached files

Posted : 19/02/2018 1:16 am
Posts: 8259
Illustrious Member

One alternative is to assign VCM Touch Wah as a system effect (variation) then use the "variation send" destination with zero while the switch is off and 127 (or however much suits your taste) for the switch on state.

Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R

Posted : 19/02/2018 4:11 am

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