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Vocoder and MIDI Song/Audition Playback!?

7 Posts
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Before I get to my question, I want to explain what I am hoping to be able to do.

Currently I am taking high quality recorded lead vocals from past recordings (with all other instruments & effects muted) and finding/collecting sections where I held notes that I sang in regular non-false etto, capturing the various A, E, I, O, U sounds. So 5 in total. Once I have them all and extend them to around 10 seconds via editing (or possibly loop them depending on how smooth/or not the loop points are), and adjust volume levels, etc., then I'll save them as .wav files and import them into a PART as 5 separate elements, separating them by velocity ranges. I realize I could use the voice choir sounds that are Preset waveforms in the Montage; however they are more softer/choir sounding. I am looking to have rock/pop voices with a bit more raunch to them.

What I'd like to then do is record the MIDI of these new PARTs in Pro Tools for a particular song where there are vocal harmonies. I'll edit the velocities to the proper A, E, I, O, U element of that PART based on what the words are in that song, then save that MIDI as a file (along with other instruments recorded/sequenced for the song). Once I import the MIDI file into the Performance as a Song (or in my case I will save it as an Audition so that I can just hit the Audition button to start the song), I would like to have the 'Vocal Harmony' PART also triggered by Vocoder while I sing, so that the key presses of the notes/keys are played via MIDI and the sound is triggered by a mic through the AD Input with the PART set to Vocoder...!

Is this even possible to have that particular PART's notes played via MIDI/Song (instead of having to manually play the keys on the keyboard) and trigger the sound via Vocoder? Or does the vocoder functionality only work if the PART is under KBD CTRL and the keys are physically played manually/live..!?

In essence, I'd like to have my hands freed up to play other sounds on the keyboard, while having harmonies sound/play from real pre-recorded vocal sounds in a PART trigger by the vocoder, while I sing the main lead vocal! (fyi ... I plan to have 2 Mics. A headset mic just to trigger the Vocoder sounds on the Montage, and a separate main vocal mic on a stand plugged into the PA Board...)

Posted : 03/07/2019 4:38 pm
Posts: 8157
Illustrious Member

You could pull up an ARP on any of the vocoder presets then sing into an A/D input connected microphone to see what happens.

I don't see why there would be a requirement to play physical keys because having the vocoder "break" when using Montage as a slave to a master controller would not make sense.

Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R

Posted : 04/07/2019 11:58 am
Posts: 816
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You could pull up an ARP on any of the vocoder presets then sing into an A/D input connected microphone to see what happens.

Yeah, that would be the quickest way to test, thanks!

Posted : 04/07/2019 2:54 pm
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I haven't tested the vocoder yet, as I 1st need to get an XLR to 1/4" adapter; however I did import a .wav file of my non-false etto vocals holding a note, and for some reason it sounds different/smaller on the Montage, than it does in Pro Tools. Any thoughts on what could cause this? (Note that I chose a Regular initialized PART and replaced the default element 1 with my .wav file sound, which was saved as a 24bit 48KHz file.)

Posted : 11/07/2019 4:51 pm
Posts: 8157
Illustrious Member

Audio is natively 44.1kHz @ 16-bit or 44.1kHz @ 24-bit. Perhaps try a native format for starters.

Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R

Posted : 12/07/2019 8:48 am
Posts: 816
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Audio is natively 44.1kHz @ 16-bit or 44.1kHz @ 24-bit. Perhaps try a native format for starters.

Thanks, I'll give that a try! I added 'Pitch Changer' as the Ins A effect, using it as a Unison-like harmonizer, and that definitely makes it sound better, but I'll see if loading a 44.1kHz @ 24-bit file makes a difference...thx!

Posted : 12/07/2019 4:47 pm
Posts: 8157
Illustrious Member


Are you running your Protools audio through Montage - or is it running through some other sound card? I wonder because if they're different audio paths - I then wonder if both Montage and Protools' audio output are both running stereo or if one is only connecting one half of the channels ("mono" ).

The best comparison would be made using Montage as Protools' audio interface if that's possible. Then you eliminate lots of the other differences that may be in your signal chain.

Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R

Posted : 13/07/2019 5:48 am

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