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Volume Sliders don't work with a Preset performance.

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I just bought my New Montage and got it Tuesday. So I am new to playing around with it. This machine is awesome. Old Motif ES6 owner. I stumbled upon a weird setting on a preset performance. Hopit. I can't use the volume sliders for parts 1,2, and 3. It only works for part 4. I'm going thru some menus trying to find out how to set the sliders to work. The other preset performances I have played with, all the sliders work fine.
On Performance Home screen, Under Motion Control it shows a window with the controller, assignable, FADER, SuperKnob. It's on Common. And shows the yellow lines from parts 4,5,6,7, and 8 to the sliders. But not 1, 2, and 3. So I pressed Fader and some things changed, I pressed no.1 next to Common below Controller. It's showing all 8 parts are linked to slider/channel 1 and the other options and still nothing happened.
I am trying to figure out how to set all parts to their faders/sliders correctly?
I had changed some arpeggios too, so I saved Hopit to my user bank and thought I could use this performance to make changes to, add parts, just so I can get as familiar as I can with buttons, settings, screens, menus, etc., etc., with this Montage. I set it up with the computer the first day and Remote controlled it with Logic. Downloaded Cubase LE AI Elements 10.5, and Montage Connect. Went through some Yamaha videos about most features/functions. Read a lot of articles here in LEARN. Theres so much to play with on this machine I want to deep dive instead of just snorkle. But I still need to make sure I understand the signal flows, settings, and what Buttons to press in the right menus before hand . I hope there is a way to make these changes. Because if not I will have to create a new performance and set it with the same parts to match the preset Hopit. Creating a new performance I haven't done yet. Any response to help me understand these kind of Preset Performance settings or where to find the instruction information (which book? what pages?) or an answer to my question is very appreciated.

Posted : 25/05/2020 8:45 am
Bad Mister
Posts: 12304

On Performance Home screen, Under Motion Control it shows a window with the controller, assignable, FADER, SuperKnob. It's on Common. And shows the yellow lines from parts 4,5,6,7, and 8 to the sliders. But not 1, 2, and 3. So I pressed Fader and some things changed, I pressed no.1 next to Common below Controller. It's showing all 8 parts are linked to slider/channel 1 and the other options and still nothing happened.
I am trying to figure out how to set all parts to their faders/sliders correctly?

Thanks for the question... here is what is happening.

On the Performance “Hopit” the programmer is using two Drum Kits with Arps and a live Synth Bass, and the Rhodes.
As you noted on the OVERVIEW screen there are no Part Sliders for Parts 1, 2 and 3.

This is telling you the programmer has disabled the Sliders.
On the “Motion Control” > “Overview” screen, when “Performance Control” is selected the Sliders usually show one Slider per each Part.
When “Part Control” is selected, notice the Sliders switch roles to become 8 Slider for each Part (one for each Oscillator: 8 Elements if AWM2, 8 Operators if FM-X).

You have dedicated front panel buttons for [PERFORMANCE CONTROL], [PART CONTROL]. Notice how these work together and how when you have selected an individual Part you can change the functions of the Sliders from Part Volumes to Element/Operator Levels. Notice the green LED just to left of the Sliders.

The programmer has simply turned Off the Control Change functions for Parts 1, 2 and 3.

Press [EDIT]
Touch “Mod/Control” > “Receive Switch”
Set the “CC” = ON

Set the “CC” = ON

Set the “CC” = ON

Now, when you return to Performance Control, each Part will have its Slider and you’ll be able to control your Parts individually whenever you are in Performance Control, on the HOME screen with the Performance name highlighted, or the upper [COMMON] button is hit.

These are when the Sliders will be Part Volumes 1-16.

Press [STORE] Rename and Store this you your a User Bank.

The Receive Switches can be activated and deactivated per Part. One of the things that has to be worked out is what controllers do what. This is particularly true when making your own Performance combinations. Most instruments by themselves will have MW doing vibrato, Sustain pedal doing Sustain, PB Wheel doing PB. But when you start to combine them you need to review what your Controllers are doing. Maybe as a Split you don’t want the bass to respond to the Sustain pedal. Maybe you want to fade in the strings but have the piano remain unaffected, etc., etc., When you have simultaneous control over eight Parts you’ll want to have this Receive Switch Control.

The Receive Switch can be individually activated and deactivated, or as in this case all CC (Control Change) messages were disabled for Parts 1, 2 and 3.

Posted : 25/05/2020 9:55 am
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Thanks a lot. Why did he set it up that way. What effect did it have on its mix or what kind of control magnificence did it have on the performance all together. Better put why do or did they need to be disabled for this particular performance? For parts 5-8 they work but with no part selected no sound anyways. With that yellow line there on the Overview screen it shows me there is a signal from each part to its relative slider. Would the reference manual show the how to's? I downloaded them all.
FC7, Foot controller, Sustain pedal questions next.
Thanks again for your quick response.

Posted : 25/05/2020 10:32 am
Bad Mister
Posts: 12304

Normally, a Slider is automatically active per Part. This way when in a COMMON control area the Sliders and the Assign Knobs will act in an overall capacity. When an individual PART is selected, then anticipate the role of the Sliders and Assign Knobs change and become controls as designated for the particular instrument bring emulated.

Why a programmer does something is pure conjecture, the point is you have ways to either defeat and/or reassign control of parameters to other devices., on a per Part, on a per Performance basis. Often Volume is assigned to a controller other than the Slider for convenience while performing. In such cases the position of the Slider may reflect a starting or ending point (minimum or maximum) while actual control is transferred to another device Super Knob, Assign Knob, MW, Ribbon, Aftertouch, etc., etc.

Example, the Slider position might represent the minimum volume when you play a string sound layered under an acoustic piano, while Aftertouch causes the strings to swell. If the minimum is 0, you will not hear strings until Aftertouch is applied, but if string minimum is 100, the strings will sound when you play the keys but will swell in volume from that point when Aftertouch is applied. So when you run into a Slider that doesn’t seem to work, it might be put to work in a different way by the programmer. The Slider is one of several controls that can change the Output level. You can change its role based on what you need to do at the time.

When recording you have a different method of setting Output level — certainly different from when creating sounds for live performing. When output is being fed to an external DAW, your desire is to maximize record level - so you would gain stage output for that purpose.
When layering piano and strings for a live performance, you set output levels entirely differently. It’s not about maximizing output gain, your goal is to create a pleasing balance that makes musical sense.

Posted : 25/05/2020 11:07 am

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