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What Does The Super Knob Control?

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Michael Trigoboff
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Honorable Member
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I've been playing around with the Bosendorfer Imperial Grand Piano. Really beautiful sound, and I love what the Super Knob does to it.

When I move the Super Knob, I can see the red LEDs around the 8 assignable knobs change. What I can't figure out is, what are those knobs controlling?

I've gone through all of the displays I can find, but I don't see where particular knobs are associated with particular parameters. Where do I go to see these associations?

Posted : 17/05/2016 4:34 am
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

We have started (three weeks ago) a series on the Super Knob... A new one goes up approximately each week. It's best to unfold this a step at a time.

Getting Started with Montage
Programming Basics 1: Super Knob
Programming Basics 2: Super Knob Common
Programming Basics 3: Super Knob Unipolar

A peek at the "Imperial Grand Piano" shows there are some 49 Controller Source/Destinations assignments - you can see an 'overview' of the routing:

From the HOME screen
This is a shortcut to the OVERVIEW screen.
You can also get here from HOME, by touching "Motion Control" > "Overview"

From this screen you can customize the view by touching the words 'Controller', 'Assignable', 'Fader', and 'Super Knob'
There are Common, Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3. This is a thirteen Element Performance: 12 velocity switches and a key off Element.

Basically, the parameters being controlled hear move the position of listener from the front to the back of the hall... "Super Knob" is controlling EQ changes that simulate proximity where bass is more present and focused - to when you are farther away and there is less presence, less bass - and less focus; AEG Attack and Release are changing, Cutoff frequency is changing, not only Reverb amount but Reverb Time is changing, Easter egg - if MW is up the Variation Effect, a Classic Flanger is part of the changes... all changed simultaneously via a single gesture: clockwise movement of the Super Knob (FC7 attached to the Foot Controller 2 jack).

We are up to Part 3 of the series on Programming (which naturally starts with the Super Knob), and have already learned the shortcut from the "OVERVIEW" screen directly to the CONTROL ASSIGN screen where the actual assignment is made.

If you are looking at that OVERVIEW screen and the PART = Common
Touch the box "Edit Common control settings" to jump to the screen where the link between the eight Common Assign Knobs and eight individual Part Assign Knobs takes place.

The SUPER KNOB automatically controls the 8 Assignable Common knobs... You can link the Part's knob to the Common Knob... Doing so means it will be controlled when the Super Knob is moved.

This is explained in depth in the articles.

If you set the "OVERVIEW" PART = PART 1
Touch the box "Edit Part 1 control settings" to take the shortcut to Part 1's Control Assign screen.

On the "Control Assign" screen: Set the DISPLAY FILTER to "ALL" to simultaneously view all assignments. Four are shown per PAGE... A total of 16 Destinations per Control Set, per Part. These are in addition to the 16 Destinations for the top Common/Audio parameters.

Posted : 17/05/2016 5:19 am

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