What's the deal with Performance Zone settings, Part mode, Internal OR External? This to me is a serious downgrade from the old Montage. When sending out program changes, you have to sacrifice an entire part just for one program change. Setting it to external will lose the connection with the internal sound generator. Parts will quickly add up with 4 keyboards connected via midi that need program changes and you will lose the SSS function when exceeding 8 parts.
Yamaha, can this be fixed by adding a "BOTH" funtion to internal or external? So, sending midi to the internal sound generator AND the midi out ports?
Another option would be to give the Montage M Seamless sound switching for 16 parts instead of 8. That way we can use part 9 - 16 for midi without losing SSS
I allready uploaded this to ideascale.
Setting it to external will lose the connection with the internal sound generator.
Yeah - They eliminated the Zone Master stuff from the Utility -> Advanced screen.
And the Montage had a 'Zone' switch to enable the part to use zones and an 'Int SW' that determined if the internal tone generator was ALSO used.
The 'Part Mode' switch is an either/or. You can use the internal tone generator or send externally but, as you said and as far as I can tell, not both.
Yamaha, can this be fixed by adding a "BOTH" funtion to internal or external?
I like that idea. Looks to me like there is room on the Zone Settings screen to change Part Mode to:
Part Mode
Internal | External | Both
That would cause minimal disruption to the screen and still be readable.