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Can I make my MOTIF XS, O1V96i and Cubase 13 talk together?

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Can I make my MOTIF XS, O1V96i and Cubase 13 talk together?

I have connected the Motif to the computer (PC) and the computer to the mixer. I have the Yamaha Steinberg USB ASIO interface running. I cant seem to get the Motif to see the mixer or the computer?


Posted : 05/08/2024 2:37 pm
Posts: 8147
Illustrious Member

As far as I know you would need an IEEE-1394 driver.  Not sure anything modern supports this anymore.  Maybe someone else can chime in.  For that era it's probably best to keep an old PC with FireWire along with an old operating system that also supports it.  Which may or may not be possible for you.

Posted : 07/08/2024 6:51 pm
Posts: 3
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Posted by:
Can I make my MOTIF XS, O1V96i and Cubase 13 talk together?

This depends on what you really mean by "talk together"...

The <a href=" removed link " target="_blank" rel="noopener">Yamaha Steinberg USB driver should allow your 01V96i to be used as a 16 in/16 out audio interface in Cubase. This will allow you to record up to 16 tracks simultaneously in Cubase, and also mix 16 channels of audio from Cubase on the 01V96i. It is unclear to me whether this driver has any MIDI functionality or not. If it doesn't, you could still connect the 01V96i's traditional MIDI IN/OUT ports to the Motif XS and use those to route MIDI data between the computer and your 01V96i.

The Motif XS was built with multichannel digital audio + MIDI functionality, but like Jason hinted to, it required a working IEEE-1394 (FireWire) connection to the computer. If your computer still has a FireWire port, you should give the <a href=" removed link " target="_blank" rel="noopener">Yamaha Steinberg FW driver a try, but be aware that hardware compatibility can be hit-and-miss. Realistically speaking, be prepared to record the Motif XS' analog or SPDIF outputs via the mixer.

The Motif XS also has a USB interface, but it is designed for MIDI traffic only. It requires the <a href=" removed link " target="_blank" rel="noopener">Yamaha USB-MIDI driver to be installed. The good thing is that it will communicate with the <a href=" removed link " target="_blank" rel="noopener">Motif XS Editor on the computer, which can run as a VST plug-in within Cubase and help you keep your synth's data backed up and synchronized with your Cubase projects.

The 01V96i also has its own <a href=" removed link " target="_blank" rel="noopener">editor that runs on the computer, which allows you to create and load mixer snapshots, etc. This editor is older, and does not run as a VST in Cubase, but works fine as a standalone application. It requires a bi-directional MIDI connection, and I would therefore suggest connecting your mixer to the Motif XS' MIDI IN/OUT ports, and configure the editor to use these ports (refer to the Motif XS' Thru Port setting) for communication.

- G -


Posted : 07/08/2024 10:30 pm
Posts: 3
New Member


Posted by:
Can I make my MOTIF XS, O1V96i and Cubase 13 talk together?

I would say this depends on what you really mean by "talk together".

Posted by:
I cant seem to get the Motif to see the mixer or the computer?

Having the computer communicate with your Motif XS and 01V96i is possible, once the appropriate drivers are installed onto the computer. This is not the same as having your Motif XS "see" your mixer or vice versa, however; That level of transparency or integration simply does not exist. Instead, you need to know what each connection does on its own, device-to-computer and computer-to-device, and then learn how to effectively use it all together with your computer software. This can get very technical and complicated, but here's a brief overview.

  • 01V96i ← [USB] → Computer
    The <a title="Yamaha Steinberg USB driver" href=" removed link " target="_blank" rel="noopener">Yamaha Steinberg USB driver will allow your 01V96i to be used as a 16 in/16 out USB audio interface in Cubase. This means you can record up to 16 audio tracks simultaneously from the 01V96i into Cubase, and also mix 16 channels of audio from Cubase on the 01V96i. It is ufortunately unclear to me whether this driver has any built-in MIDI functionality or not; If it does, you also get a dedicated MIDI connection between the computer and the mixer, which is useful for the <a title="01V96i Editor" href=" removed link " target="_blank" rel="noopener">01V96i Editor.
  • Motif XS ← [USB] → Computer
    The Motif XS also has a USB interface, but it is only designed for MIDI traffic. It uses the standard <a title="Yamaha USB-MIDI driver" href=" removed link " target="_blank" rel="noopener">Yamaha USB-MIDI driver, and will allow your computer to record MIDI data from the Motif XS, and also play back MIDI data using the Motif XS' tone generator. Equally important, it allows you to use the <a title="Motif XS Editor" href=" removed link " target="_blank" rel="noopener">Motif XS Editor on the computer. It also lets the Motif XS act as an external MIDI interface, which can be used to route MIDI data between the computer and your 01V96i's physical MIDI IN/OUT ports, if a direct MIDI connection doesn't exist.
  • Motif XS ← [IEEE-1394] → Computer
    The Motif XS8 was originally built with the capability to send and receive multichannel digital audio and MIDI over a single IEEE-1394/FireWire cable to and from a computer (on the XS6 and XS7 models, the mLAN16E2 expansion board must be fitted). The original <a title="mLAN" href=" removed link " target="_blank" rel="noopener">mLAN protocol was shelved shortly after the XS introduction, but the most important features were then reworked into the <a title="Yamaha Steinberg FW driver" href=" removed link " target="_blank" rel="noopener">Yamaha Steinberg FW driver, including MIDI. You can try it if your computer still has a FireWire port. Compatibility can be hit-and-miss, but if it works, you'll be able to record multiple audio tracks from the Motif XS directly into Cubase. If the FireWire connection doesn't work, you can instead record the Motif XS' analog or SPDIF outputs via the 01V96i mixer.

A quick description of the the <a title="01V96i Editor - Owner's Manual" href=" removed link " target="_blank" rel="noopener">01V96i Editor and the <a title="Motif XS Editor - Owner's Manual" href=" removed link " target="_blank" rel="noopener">Motif XS Editor software are perhaps also worth sharing. They are mainly used to create and save setups for each device on the computer, which you can transmit to the devices as needed. You can also transmit settings made on a device to the computer for archiving. This will allow you to quickly recall the instrument and mixer settings that were used for a particular song or project. Both editors communicate with their device via MIDI.

A key difference between the two editors: The Motif XS Editor can run as a VST inside Cubase, which will help you keep your synth's data synchronized with your Cubase projects. The 01V96i Editor, on the other hand, does not run as a VST, but setups can be transmitted manually.

- G -


Posted : 09/08/2024 12:50 am

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