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Can you copy a Motif XF ROM waveform to USR to be edited?

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I know, crazy question.

But is there a way to copy one of the gazillion waveforms that are in ROM in the Motif XF to a USR location so that you can import it and edit it in the Integrated Sampling section of the instrument?

I thought that it was a basic, normal thing, but I've been banging my head on this and it does not seem possible.

The reason to do this? Well, my thinking was to import a sample or a drum kit into Integrated Sampling and massage a ROM waveform and then save it to flash as something different from the waveform in ROM.

Am I nuts, or is this possible?

I don't get offended, so have at it and let me know. 😉

Posted : 23/08/2017 11:42 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

Yes, we agree, it is a crazy question... The Yamaha Wave ROM would be available in every competing manufacturer's product. Of course you cannot COPY any of the Preset data.

That said, if you feel like there is something you want to do here, you can RESAMPLE any of the Waveforms... then rework the data from there. Resampling is what you want to explore.

Resample is one of the Integrated Sampler Record modes and allows you record the XF's tone generator to the internal SDRAM... This you can do... then your idea is right on target; you can then further mangle the data any way you desire and then ultimately install it on your Flash Bosrd!

So, not do crazy, just the methodology is different. If you need help setting up, let us know!

Posted : 24/08/2017 1:46 am
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Hmmm, so resample, interesting. This is something I would be interested in doing and would appreciate your assistance in setting this up.

Synthesizers are a musicians mad scientist laboratory minus the beakers filled with smoking chemicals. RIP Jerry Lewis that nutty professor.

Thank you for your response and I look forward to your instructions on resampling the ROM waveforms in the Motif XF.

Posted : 24/08/2017 3:07 am
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

Sample to VOICE, Sample to PERFORMANCE, Sample in the SEQUENCER:

The Motif XF is “context sensitive”. What this means is that certain options are available to you depending on the mode you are in when you press the [INTEGRATED SAMPLING] button. For example, if you enter sampling from [VOICE] mode the selection of options will be tailored specifically for Voice mode. If you enter sampling from one of the Sequencer modes (Song or Pattern), a different set of selection options will be available. This is a very logical way to layout the operating system and will make a lot of sense as we go through the modes.

Sampling in [VOICE] mode will allow you to create your own playable Voices. There are two kinds of Voices you might want to create: Normal Voices and Drum Voices.

In order to sample to a VOICE you would enter [INTEGRATED SAMPLING] from [VOICE] mode. If you want to create a DRUM KIT you can sample directly to the KEYS of a Drum Kit and you would enter sampling from a Drum Kit VOICE.

Sampling in PERFORMANCE mode will allow you to create a Voice within a Performance.

Sampling in SEQUENCER mode will allow you to create a sample that can be synchronized with playback of a Song or Pattern. The Integrated Sampling Sequencer can create a note-on event that will be placed precisely when sampling begins and have a duration (gate time) to match the length to the punch-out point.

• Press [F6] REC – you’ll arrive at the “SAMPLE > RECORD” setup screen
• The screen is divided so that the SOURCE parameters are on your left and the DESTINATION parameters are on your right.

SAMPLE SOURCE: These will be context sensitive, according to the mode you enter from…
Recording Type = “sample” – for VOICE mode/Performance mode sampling
Recording Type = "sample+note” – for sampling in the Sequencer.
A note-on event is automatically generated to trigger playback of the sample audio
Recording Type =“slice+seq” – for sampling in the Sequencer.
Once the sample is complete you are taken directly to the SLICE setup function. SLICE chops up the audio and creates a new waveform; SEQ creates a precisely timed sequence to playback the audio loop. Use this on audio clips up to 8 measures in length that you want to loop and tempo adjust.

Input Source = AD input, resample, mLAN
Stereo/Mono = stereo, monoL, monoR or monoL+R
Record Next = off/on - this is useful when recording multiple samples in a row, for example, drum and percussion samples
Frequency = 44.1kHz, 22.05kHz, 11.025kHz, 5.5125kHz

SAMPLE DESTINATION: These will be context sensitive, according to the mode you enter from…
Waveform = location from 0001~1024
Key Bank = a note from C-2~G8
Track = only available when sampling from a Sequencer mode (SONG/PATTERN)
Part = only available when sampling from PERFORMANCE mode or a Sequencer mode
Voice = targets a specific location for your user sample USER or USER DRUM
Drum Key = only available when sampling a VOICE and specifically a Drum Voice.

Press [F6] STANDBY

You can review your SETUP parameters at the top of the screen. It is a good idea to always glance at the setup to ensure you are targeting the sample to the correct location.

The bottom of the screen your actual sampling SETTINGS including:
Record Monitor – the output level of the incoming the source
Record Gain – Available only when you are “resampling”. If you are sampling from the A/D input adjust the gain on the back panel of the Motif XF.

The bottom right of the screen deals with the TRIGGER MODE – basically this is how sampling will take place. It is important to choose the proper mode to best accomplish your goal.

Trigger Mode = Level – sampling will begin, once armed, when the level exceeds the “Trigger Level” setting. This is ideal when you are sampling from an audio source like a CD player or other external audio source. You must stop sampling manually by pressing the [F6] STOP button

Trigger Mode = Manual – sampling will begin when you press the [F5] START button
Trigger Mode = Measure – sampling will begin, once armed, when the sequencer reaches the measure number set as the Punch In point.

Sampling will stop automatically when the measure counter reaches the Punch Out point.

To arm the sampler press [F5] START, if LEVEL or MEASURE is selected “WAITING…” will appear and sampling will begin as prescribed by those trigger methods.

Posted : 24/08/2017 5:00 pm

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