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connecting xf6 to cubase

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I cant get the motifxf6 and cubase to taklt to each other.
I have the installed the USB- MiDI driver.

I have chosen Cubase as the DAW, nothing happens when I press the remote-knob on the synth

Posted : 26/03/2015 6:42 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303


Welcome to Yamaha Synth! We can help you get started with your Motif XF6. All we require is a few details from you:

We know you have Motif XF6 and are using Cubase (which version - this will be very helpful).
If you are using the version provided with your Motif XF (Make sure you are using Cubase AI)

We cannot tell you much more without knowing what type of computer you are using (Mac or PC)
The USB-MIDI Driver - we assume you have the right one for the Motif XF6 (but if you do not tell us the version - we cannot be sure).

When you downloaded the DRIVER, did you download the Motif XF Extension for your particular computer type? Probably not, because had you done that and installed it, it would have automatically set the REMOTE IN/OUT Ports for you. The DAW REMOTE mode requires communication via Port 2.

Please provide the following details:
Computer type: Mac or PC
Driver version: Yamaha USB-MIDI version
Cubase version

Posted : 27/03/2015 12:25 am
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I use PC with Cubase AI 5
I downloaded the USB driver this week from so I guess its the latest.

I have now installed the Motif XF Extension and It's still not working. See attached document for the error mesage. What I am aiming to do is to use my computer as bigger display than the one on the synt. What are the pro and cons or limitations on doing this via USB versus IEEE1394?


Posted : 28/03/2015 5:11 pm
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I use PC with Cubase AI 5
I downloaded the USB driver this week from so I guess its the latest.

I have now installed the Motif XF Extension and It's still not working. See attached document for the error mesage. What I am aiming to do is to use my computer as bigger display than the one on the synt. What are the pro and cons or limitations on doing this via USB versus IEEE1394?


Posted : 28/03/2015 5:15 pm
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I use PC with Cubase AI 5
I downloaded the USB driver this week from so I guess its the latest.

I have now installed the Motif XF Extension and It's still not working, this is the error message
--ports have not been properly set---


Posted : 28/03/2015 5:18 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

Connecting the Motif XF to Windows PC, via USB: will allow you to:
_ Record and Edit MIDI data to a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) software, like Cubase. This includes using the front panel of the XF to remote control the DAW, via Remote Devices setup.
_ The "Score" feature allows you to do music notation.
_ Work with the Motif XF Editor Standalone/VST.
_ Manage and Edit your sounds.

The Version numbers of the different software components and driver are very important. They must match your computer type and operating system. Guessing about what you have installed can be cause for things not to work. It's that simple. Because if you are asking: Does this work? The answer is, yes, when everything is configured properly. Take your time.

Here is a step-by-step to get setup.

Motif XF USB setup for Windows

If you get stuck, post back here

Posted : 28/03/2015 6:02 pm
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I followed the instruction but It still doesnt work. I still get the error message --ports have not been properly set--

When I get to the stage where I shall assign the ports in Cubase; -Devices, -Devices setup
I see a difference from the instuctions. I do not have port 4 in the list of ports to configure. Just 1-3.
Is that a problem?

Posted : 29/03/2015 1:06 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

We will help you. But you need to take it one step at a time.

You are on a Windows computer.
What Operating System are you running?

Posted : 29/03/2015 4:10 pm
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windows 7

Posted : 29/03/2015 4:27 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

Connect the Motif XF to your computer via USB
On you computer go to your CONTROL PANELS and find the blue Yamaha USB MIDI Driver icon.
Double click the icon and open its control panel
Let us know what it reports.

Posted : 29/03/2015 5:13 pm
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Device 2-Motof XF6
Nothing else can be chosen in the dropdown

Computer to MIDI
Out 1->1
Out 2->2
Out 3->3
Out 4->4

Midi to Computer
in 1->1
in 2->2
in 3->3
in 4->4



Posted : 29/03/2015 5:36 pm
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another thing...I tried to attach a document, both .doc and .pdf but it din't work....witch formats are allowed?

Posted : 29/03/2015 5:37 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303


But was any number flashing?
Please be observant - flashing is good, not flashing is bad. Let us know, please.

another thing...I tried to attach a document, both .doc and .pdf but it din't work....witch formats are allowed?

.Zip if you are trying to attach a document.
If you are posting a .PNG or .JPG you can post those directly.

While in CONTROL PANEL, find the PROGRAMS (or it maybe called ADD or REMOVE PROGRAMS)... wait for the list to populate and find the YAMAHA items you have installed. This will allow you to easily see what you have installed that is Yamaha related:

Find the "Yamaha Motif XF Editor Standalone/VST" - what version? should be version 1.6.4
Find the "Yamaha Motif XF Extension" - what version? should be version 1.1.1
Find the "Yamaha USB-MIDI" - should be version

Please let us know...

Posted : 29/03/2015 7:56 pm
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I have the versions listed in your reply.

Computer to MIDI
Out 1->1 ....nothing
Out 2->2......nothing
Out 3->3....nothing
Out 4->4......nothing

Midi to Computer
in 1->1 ....!!!!!FLASHING!!!
in 2->2...nothing
in 3->3....nothing
in 4->4.n...nothing

Posted : 30/03/2015 8:26 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

Excellent. The "flashing" is your XF communicating with your computer. Only Port 1 is necessary as this represents the 16 channels of MIDI.

As you will see:
Port 2 is for Remote DAW Control
Port 3 is for any external device connected to the XF's 5-pin MIDI jacks
Port 4 is for the Motif XF Editor

Launch Cubase AI

Under the “MIDI” folder highlight “MIDI PORT SETUP”
You should see your Motif XF6
Select "Yamaha Motif XF6-1" in the “In ‘All MIDI Inputs’” column.
This sets Port 1 as your MIDI communication port.

Under the “Remote Devices” folder highlight “Yamaha Motif XF”
Set the REMOTE input and output to "Yamaha Motif XF-2"
Port 2 will be used exclusively to a Remote Control Cubase.

You are now setup to use the Motif XF with Cubase.
We highly recommend you follow the basic guide to using Cubase... You can start by creating a MIDI Track.

Posted : 31/03/2015 2:21 am

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