hello bad mister, I've got a pair of yamaha hs7 (love them) I'm looking for set of yamaha speakers to use at church with my xf, that will give me the same awesome sound i get from the hs 7. what ones would you suggest?
We have several lines of high fidelity Live Sound powered speakers that fit the bill. The HS7 are, of course, designed to be near-field monitors. Yamaha has three series of powered speakers. The size and power rating that you should get will greatly depend on the size of the room you are going to play in and the number of people you are playing for... and the situation (other instruments, etc.)
These all deliver seriously high fidelity sound and remain clean and crystal clear at any volume - and I mean any volume. Many speakers don't sound good until you turn them up and then they sound good to a point and then rapidly decline in quality. These sound good at all volumes. It is uncanny how loud they go without ever sounding harsh or overbearing. Check them out.
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