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Motif Editor Audition Waverforms?

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Michael Trigoboff
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Honorable Member
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Is there a way to use the Motif Editor VST to audition the component waveforms of a Voice? That is to say, I want to hear the wave form just as it is, before any effects have been applied to it.

I know I can do this directly on the XF, I just wondered if the editor supports this kind of thing. I hunted around (including in the manual) and didn't see any way to do it, but that doesn't mean I didn't miss something...

Posted : 03/02/2016 2:44 am
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

Is there a way to use the Motif Editor VST to audition the component waveforms of a Voice?

No, not with the Motif XF Editor VST, you can with the John Melas Motif Waveform Editor. If you are working with building your own Waveforms for the XF we recommend the Melas Waveform Editor very highly.

John Melas Waveform Editor

Posted : 03/02/2016 8:22 am

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