Anybody can help me?
Well, I am afraid I have to ask. Is my issue not important to you, are issues related to discontinued models not important to yamaha anymore, is this place empty, or simply nobody here cares to answer? Or nobody have a clue about this?
I am confused, as this place was highly recommended, but It is by far the worse welcome I got on a brand owned forum ...
What happens when you power on the Motif while holding the [Utility] button and the [^] up cursor? Does it not go into the boot loader routine?
Let us know...
Hi Avery,
When I power on the Motif while holding the utility and up cursor, the Motif will boot normally.
You answered me above, this:
"This indicates that you did not read the firmware update instructions..." What am I doing wrong?
P.S. here is a video made following Bad Mister's instructions
you can see the update process starting minute 1.22. I format the USB using Motif, copy the firmware file on root of the usb, and see the rest of the steps. I know it is bad quality, sorry for that, if you watch it full screen and stop it from time to time, you can see all the steps.
What is interesting is that Bad Mister said the motif should show "USED" and "Total" USB space. Mine clearly shows "FREE" and "TOTAL" USB space. A fresh formatted USB will show 3.7 / 3.7 GB, and the USB with the backup files will show 3.6 /3.7 GB.
When I copy the firmware file from Mac to my USB, you can see 2 folders on my stick. They are hidden folders created probably by motif after formatting, I could see them only after I changed the Mac settings. With normal settings, there is only the update file on my stick.
- On motifator forum, somebody told me that the update process (looking for updates) should start even with no USB, but fail in case of a bad USB/ File/ No USB. Mine just boots normally when I am powering up holding thise two buttons. Is this true? Could you confirm/ infirm this?
- On motifator forum they asked me to enter TEST MODE, by holding REC and REMOTE while powering up. That doesn't work either.
All buttons, knobs, etc works well in normal use, and the keyboard works as it should. Firmware version is 1.01
If you cannot envoke the firmware updater by holding down the [UTILITY] button and the [^] up cursor button then you need to visit a service center.
Let us know how it works out...
Just watched the video. It is obvious that something is wrong.
When holding the [UTILITY] and [^] the boot up sequence for the bootloader is immediately different from the normal boot sequence.
Something is not quite right with your Motif and it should be looked at by a qualified technician.
you have any idea what can cause that?
Thanks Avery! I am sorry for my previous complaining message, but after 2 weeks, finally I got an answer to a question I asked in my very first post... It was not the stick concerning me, but the fact that my Motif was not even looking for updates... I also asked this question 5 more times before it was noticed, so this was the source of my frustration.
Please note other difference- Bad Mister told me that the Motif should show USED/ TOTAL space on my USB stick. Mine clearly shows FREE/ TOTAL space.
Can you please confirm this? Because if it shows this way, it means my OS is a bit different. Is it possible to have something like... a beta version OS on my motif?
I emailed Yamaha, and they asked my location so they can point me to a yamaha service Anyway, no answer from them either after I gave my location...
I am afraid that unfortunately trying to fix it myself is the only solution left, since I get no official support.
Avery, by connecting all the dots, you have any idea what could cause this? Is there a solution to connect the Motif to my computer and install the OS other way?
Thanks, Flo
Please note other difference- Bad Mister told me that the Motif should show USED/ TOTAL space on my USB stick. Mine clearly shows FREE/ TOTAL space.
Can you please confirm this? Because if it shows this way, it means my OS is a bit different. Is it possible to have something like... a beta version OS on my motif?
Sorry for the confusion, I try to keep scores of keyboards in memory but once they are discontinued, they slip into the back of my memory, so I rely on the Manual.... and according to the Motif XF REFERENCE MANUAL page 237 it is the amount of memory/total memory.
As you have noted, this is not what is in the product. It is indeed Free Memory/Total Memory... so the Reference Manual and I were both wrong. Please accept our apology.
I’ve checked on several XF’s since then, the product does show FREE MEM versus TOTAL MEM
When powering On for the Updater, you must engage both [UTILITY] + [Up Cursor] until the “Motif XF” banner logo appears along the top of the screen. Your logo appears in the middle of the screen, indicating normal boot up. As Avery recommends, next stop Authorized Service Center.
Thanks Bad Mister!!!
I have partial good news
On Motifator forum they asked me to try TEST MODE, by pressing REMOTE and REC buttons IIRC. Id didn't worked either.
However, today I started booting the Motif by randomly pressing any 2 buttons And it seems on my Motif XF, Test mode is - REMOTE and ARPEGGIO !!!!
So if you know this, maybe you know the combination for update, I am still trying to find it
No need to apologise, Bad Mister, and actually it is me who owes you an appology. I followed your activity here for some years, and it is not easy what you do.
Thanks for everything, and please, maybe you know an alternate combination for update, because TEST mode has a different button combination
You should definitely take your instrument to an Authorized Repair/Service Center.