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Song/Mixing mode

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I read at length on the Motifator on the subject of going into song/mixing mode to add a 5th and more voices. All the commentary refers to an article Bad Mister wrote on the subject with directions as to how to do it. Could someone (hopefully Bad Mister) please point me to that article? Thanks.

Posted : 05/03/2017 9:26 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

Sorry, I don't know what article you are referring to... in Song/Pattern Mixing mode you can place as many
Parts on the same Receive channels as you want... you can "play", but not record, when you do this.

You can COPY a four Part Performance to a Song/Pattern Mixing program.
This will place the four Part on the same Receive Channel ...

Press [JOB]
Press [F3] COPY
Press [SF3] PERF
Select the attributes you wish to copy and direct it to the group of four PARTS in the MIXING setup, 1-4, 5-8, 9-12 or 13-16

This will place all PARTS on the same MIDI channel (the current Basic MIDI Receive Channel). You can play them all just as you did in PERFORMANCE mode by selecting the lowest numbered PART.

You can then add additional Parts by simply changing their Receive Channels
In the [MIXING]
Press [EDIT]
Press the Part number to view its parameters
Press [F1] Voice
Press [SF1] Voice
Set your Receive Channel

Set the Note and Velocity Limits as you require

Name and [STORE] your Song or Pattern.

Hope that helps.

Posted : 05/03/2017 9:52 pm
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Bad Mister. Thought for sure there was an article. No matter. Could you please give us a set of instructions as to how to change a Performance into Song/Mixing and then to Master mode? Example: song 2. find a black song 3. upper left change song if necessary 4. press mixing 5. press job .........and the rest exactly how you do it. I just cannot get it to work. There are just too many songs I need the 5th and 6th voice. And...since there are 8 faders I should have the opportunity to use them. Thanks, John R.

Posted : 06/03/2017 11:27 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

See post above... for details.

Posted : 06/03/2017 11:42 pm
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Thank you Bad Mister. I will try it. John R.

Posted : 07/03/2017 4:03 pm
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Bad Mister, My Sweetwater Sales Engineer and I went through your set of instructions exactly regarding installing a 5th voice in Mixing/Song mode. We failed after 3 attempts. The only thing we accomplished was to silence voice one when we got back to Performance mode. We don't know how. Could you please tell me how restore the volume on voice one in Performance mode. I have tried all week to contact Yamaha customer support. Thanks, John R.

Posted : 09/03/2017 11:54 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

Sorry, that you have not succeeded in this endeavor. If you can tell me exactly what sounds you want to assign to a Song Mixing and play simultaneously I will post an exact step by step. It is impossible for me to know what steps you missed...

Get specific -

Posted : 15/03/2017 2:21 pm
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Thank you for your willingness to help, Bad Mister. Robert in Customer Service was able to convert one Performance into Song/Mixing (with a different approach.) He was going to send me his directions but probably got busy. I will need a few days as I am experimenting with layering the Kansas tune, "Song for America."

Posted : 16/03/2017 10:26 pm
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Bad Mister, Robert in Customer Service emailed me his instructions for adding a 5 and more voices to Song/Mixing mode then putting it into Master. I was able to do it myself. I would be happy to email the directions to you if you would post. I think it would help a lot of people. Thanks again for your help. John R.

Posted : 23/03/2017 3:42 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

Glad you got that going! Excellent!

Posted : 24/03/2017 3:03 pm
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Bad Mister, Here are Robert at CS' instructions. If you have a way to streamline, I am all ears.

1. Press Song
2. Pull up a blank song
3. Press Track select 1 button or 2, 3 etc. etc.
4. Press Category Search to find voice for desired track
5. Press Enter button to insert selected voice
6. Repeat steps 3-5 for remaining voices
7. When finished, press Store then Enter then Inc. to save

Add Song Mix to Master
1. Press Master button
2. Press Edit button
3. Press F2 (other) button
4. Set mode to Song
5. At Memory select created song mix
6. Set Zone Switch to On
7 Press Tack Select (1) button
9. Set Int Switch On with a check mark for all applicable zones
10. Press F2 (note) button
11. Set desired note range limits for each zone voice
12. Press Store, Enter, and Inc

As said, it worked for me but only when I entered the old saved voices as well. Net, net, I had to completely re-create. Must be a way to add new voices 5-8 without having to re-enter old voices 1-4. Any ideas? Thanks, John R.

Posted : 24/03/2017 3:54 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

Sorry, I don't follow you, what "old Voices"

Posted : 24/03/2017 6:18 pm
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Sorry. What I meant by old voices, was voices that had been previously stored when in Performance mode. These voices were copied into Song/Mixing. When I want to add new voices in Song/Mixing, with the instructions above, the only way it worked was to re enter those voices that were originally in Performance mode. There must be an easier way. Does that make better sense? Thanks, John R.

Posted : 24/03/2017 7:15 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

Certainly, there is a better way. If you Name and STORE your Song/MIXING setup, as long as the USER Banks remain in tact, your Voices will remain apart of that MIXING setup.

Posted : 30/03/2017 11:20 pm

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