In MOX mixing mode, I can adjust WET/DRY parameter for every VOICE. What/where is the equivalent of this in XF's menus?
The DRY/WET parameter is found within certain Insertion Effect Types in both the MOX and the Motif XF.
We are not sure what you are talking about exactly. Can you give us exactly where in the MOX it is that you are referring? (Hint: it will be in the same place in the Mottif XF)!
Are you talking about the "Dry Level" parameter?
Sorry Phil but I don't remember the exact name as I don't have my MOX anymore but probably the "Dry Level" you mentioned. What is its equivalent in MOTIF XF?
The "Dry Leve" is found as follows:
It is a PART parameter found in Performance and Mixing modes
Press [EDIT]
Select the PART 1-4 or 1-16
Press [F1] VOICE
Press [SF2] OUTPUT
It's right next to the Send amount to the Reverb and the Chorus (System Effects)