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Convert SONG to PATTERN to ARPEGIOS for PSR-SX900 Style-like playing on MOXF6

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I'd need to convert a STYLE from SX900 to play as a PATTERN on MOXF6. How do I do that ?
I have tried the following. I record a STYLE on the sx900 to a SMF file which is stored on an USB stick.
Load the SONG from the USB stick onto MOXF6 using FILE menu. Then in SONG mode, use SONG JOB 07:PUT TRACK TO ARP.
Here is my question, does SONG JOB 07: create a new SONG with triggering ARPEGIOS, or does it create a new PATTERN with the triggering ARPEGIOS ??
After I saved it with OrginalNote, I can't find where the ARPEGIOS is.
I appreciate your help.

Posted : 24/09/2020 4:42 am
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

Here is my question, does SONG JOB 07: create a new SONG with triggering ARPEGIOS, or does it create a new PATTERN with the triggering ARPEGIOS ??

No, not at all. “Song Job 07: Put Track to Arp” can take a Midi phrase recorded to a Track and convert it into an Arp Phrase. Arp creation is definitely a 10 on the 0 to 10 scale of difficulty... way at the Deep-end of the Pool of things to do. As you are going to find out... please read thoroughly and carefully....

Each MIDI track in your data must be converted to an Arp individually... separately. While a STYLE (Arranger-talk) is a band (as many as an 8-piece band), each Arp is played by a single instrument. To recreate a STYLE, you would need to *convert* each part individually, separately, then reassemble the ‘band’.

Example, your SX900 MIDI data will likely have Drums on Track 10
You would set the MOXF Song Job 07 — so that the Track to be converted = 10
The Convert Type = Fixed Note — Drums must play exactly as recorded. No adjustment to chord quality so note conversion is “Fixed”
You must set the Measure range to be converted to Arp.
Be sure to Name and place thIs Arp in a Category. Failure to do so will cause you to possibly lose it...
Once converted, you must assign your Arp to a Voice or Part same as you would any of the 7000+ factory Arps.
You will find your creations listed User Arps 001-256. Once converted they are accessed exactly like the factory Arps.

Example 2, your MIDI data will likely have the Bass on Track 11
You would set the Song Job — so that the Track to be converted = 11
The Convert Type = Original Note (Org Note) — Bass needs to follow the chord quality and be able to adjust the 3rd and the 7th to fashion bass lines that follow chord recognition. You need to set the Original Note - the note that would cause this phrase to play.

The logistics are complex and detailed... you’ll notice that the “Put Track to Arp” Job has four convert Tracks. All four Tracks are used in the creation of a single Arp Phrase... things like some Guitars and Basses that use MegaVoices (Voices that use 8 or more velocity switches and keys above and below the normal instrument range to recreate different articulations) these MegaVoices have specially prepared Phrases that use the precise velocity and key mapping found in a specific MegaVoice. You cannot “play” these Voices because the mapping is too complex to just play the keys... but Arp Phrases can be precise so that Velocity and Note are predetermined... when you want a particular articulation you can set it to respond to a specific velocity on a specific Note.

For example, Rhythm Guitar strumming Phrases are not just made from Open Guitar string notes... when you listen closely you’ll discover the raking noise of up and downstrokes is a separately generated sound which does not change to match chord quality — but instead triggers a specific sample mapped to specific (fixed) Key. Finger zings only happen at specific velocities — hammer-ons, knocks, scrapes, and so on. There can be both Chord adjusting Arp Tracks (Org Note) and some fixed Note Arp Tracks combined in the realization of some of the Guitar Strumming Arp data. (Study the MODX Performance “Free Fall” - the strumming Guitar in PART 3 is one of these hybrid MEGA Arps with 8 velocities, and tons of sound effects — a must read article linked below: “Guitar Arpeggio Study” ...

Unless you find the exact MegaVoice to match the mapping of the Arp Phrase... you conversion will not work. I must warn you of this before you spend too many hours trying to convert your PSR-SX data to the MOXF.

Recommended: After converting each instrument (one at a time) to reassemble the STYLE, you will be able to select a MOXF Performance (four Parts) each one assigned to one of your converted phrases. Styles in the Arranger can be 8 Parts, Performances in the MOXF can be 4 Parts — so you will only be able to control four.

Use the PSR-SX900 for what it does best.
Use the MOXF6 for what it does best.

However, if you insist... I would recommend spend some time learning how to make your own Arp Phrase on the MOXF.
Learn the rules of Arp Phrase making... Learn to know what would make a good Arp from what will not. After some time of working with this you will be able to listen to MIDI data and immediately know if it is a good candidate for conversion.

Extra Credit:
Articles that can help:

MOXF Arpeggios Explored

MOXF The 4-Track Arpeggiator

MOXF - Guitar Arpeggio Study

MOXF Velocity Zone Arpeggios

Posted : 24/09/2020 11:52 am
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Thank you, Bad Mister for your great help !!


Posted : 24/09/2020 4:09 pm
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My next questions are if I may:
1) Can a recorded pattern be played with triggering keys ?
When I play a pattern, the chord doesn't follow pressed keys . How do I fix that ?
2) Is a Pattern stored in USER memory ? Is it only visible when I am in PATTERN mode ??

Posted : 24/09/2020 5:16 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

My next questions are if I may:
1) Can a recorded pattern be played with triggering keys ?
When I play a pattern, the chord doesn't follow pressed keys . How do I fix that ?
2) Is a Pattern stored in USER memory ? Is it only visible when I am in PATTERN mode ??

”In this instrument, the term “Pattern” refers to a relatively short musical or rhythmic phrase — 1 to 256 measures — which is used for looped playback. Therefore, once Pattern playback starts, it continues until you press the [Stop] button.

Patterns are not chord intelligent. This is different from a PSR.
Perhaps you are mixing up the Pattern Mode with the four Arpeggiators that can be used ‘live’ in a MOXF Performance.

There are no Styles in the MOXF, per se. What you know as a “Style” is a combination of chord intelligent and fixed note phrases used to recreate a rhythm section backing accompaniments. In a Style you recall 8 Parts that all play one genre of music

If you were to take the individual Phrases from the Style engine and make them available as individual chord intelligent and fixed phrases — you’d have an idea of what the four Arpeggiators do in the MOXF Performance Mode. You can assemble Arp Phrases (one at a time) and assign them to trigger one of the four possible Parts in the Performance. Each can be an entirely different genre — mix and match.

Posted : 27/09/2020 11:55 pm

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