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Cutoff doesn't change (stays at zero) when I turn the knob. What's wrong?

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The following happens with any instrument on my MOXF: I turn the cutoff knob and I get the message on the screen that reads "Cutoff 0, Original [0]". But when I turn the knob, nothing happens. The cutoff remains at 0 (See video link below).

This doesn't happen with any of the other effects such as resonance, FEGDepth, and Porta etc (See video link below).

And I am fairly certain that the knob isn't damaged because the other effects controlled by that first knob such as "Attack" and "Volume" still function perfectly when I turn the knob. It's specific to the cutoff and I can't figure out why.

I have attached a video to this post too so you can see what I mean. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Posted : 20/12/2015 11:03 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

That's easy. You have a controller conflict. If a Controller like your CUTOFF knob (cc074) is not moving you have inadvertently or unwittingly assigned control of that message to another physical controller and they are now in conflict.

Simply unassign that second controller from sending cc074 and your Cutoff knob will return.
cc074 is called Brightness, and is also known as Filter Cutoff Frequency.

Press [F4] CTL ASN (Controller Assign)
Press [Sf1] ASSIGN
Change from cc074 whichever physical controller is in conflict with your Cutoff knob.
Press [STORE] to write this back to your instruments memory.

If you want to control the Cutoff (Brightness) of a sound with another controller for this Voice HUGE LEAD, you do so properly within the VOICE's CONTROLLER SET.
Press [EDIT]
Press [COMMON]
Press [F4] CTL SET (Controller Setup)
In one of the six Controller setups... make the DESTINATION = FLT-Frq (Filter Frequency)

Extra Credit: by assigning control of the filter internally you avoid the global offset of Cutoff as would happen if you use a MIDI cc message.

The way you are attempting to do it prevents your CUTOFF Knob from functioning (obviously)... So the correct way is to set the DESTINATION to "Filter Cutoff Frequency" - it is one of the many possible Destinations within the VOICE.

If you have reassigned one of your physical Controllers to send cc074 globally, that will prevent the CUTOFF knob from working - globally.

Posted : 21/12/2015 3:18 am

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