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"Editor VST song / pattern selection"

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Whenever I save a project which uses the MOX Editor VST in Cubase it saves the mix settings with the project which is really cool. The only problem is when I reload the project it always selects song or pattern number 1. This is fine If that’s where the sequence is stored but if I’ve used a different location to record the sequence then I have to scroll down to that location on the MOX. What I’m really trying to ask is wether the original song or pattern location is stored with the project , and if so can it be recalled or do I have to keep song/pattern 1 reserved for working with cubase? As a side note it’s took me 3 years to get my head around this board especially the computer integration part but boy it’s worth the effort. It works so smoothly now. From Idea to sequence to audio takes minutes now as opposed to hours in the past.

Posted : 11/11/2014 1:37 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

Welcome to YamahaSynth!

Whenever I save a project which uses the MOX Editor VST in Cubase it saves the mix settings with the project which is really cool. The only problem is when I reload the project it always selects song or pattern number 1.

That is correct, it only requires a single location's Edit Buffer. That is today's key word: Edit Buffer. As you will see, it does not overwrite the SONG or PATTERN in number 01, it simply uses the hardware of the selected mode, either SONG or PATTERN - in fact you can ignore the SONG/PATTERN number completely - the data is only occupying this temporary edit buffer.

This is fine If that’s where the sequence is stored but if I’ve used a different location to record the sequence then I have to scroll down to that location on the MOX.

This is not a true statement. It maybe a statement of what you believe to be the case (you may have 'used a different location to record the data' but it has little to do with playback... You do not have to scroll to any specific location - actually that is totally unnecessary to do. The fact that you are using the MOX Editor VST in Cubase means that your sequence is stored in Cubase, not in any particular location in your instrument any longer. What you want to be able to do is capture the entire two parts of your musical composition:
1) The NOTES (sequence data) that you played
2) the MIXING (Voices and mix data) that you setup with the MOX Tone Generator.

What you need to do is capture these two components in Cubase - so that even if you completely clear the sequencer in MOX, when you open your Cubase Project, Cubase will faithfully restore not only the sequence of notes that you recorded, but because the EDITOR is integrated into Cubase, the Cubase (.CPR) file also restores every setting and every Voice you used to create that sequence. (It does this by BULKING that data to your MOX's working Edit Buffer. If you were in SONG mode it selects SONG mode 01, if you were in PATTERN mode it selects PATTERN mode 01 - but it does not DESTRUCTIVELY replace any data currently in those locations... only what is in the EDIT BUFFER. So even if a SONG occupies SONG 01, or a PATTERN occupies PATTERN 01 - this is of no consequence and will not interfere with playback, at all. Nor will this destroy any of the data in that MOX location (not permanently, anyway).

(Now you will probably start to understand more clearly why it is when you attempt to move away from SONG or PATTERN mode without having STORED the Sequence and Mix data. You receive a WARNING about storing if you attempt to leave the SEQUENCER without having stored your data... Until you STORE, the data is only in the sequencer's EDIT BUFFER!!!) Make sense? This is an important 'connect-the-dots-moment').

Data in the EDIT BUFFER is typically lost when you move away, by attempting to change modes (for example, going from SONG to VOICE) without storing that data. The EDIT BUFFER is a temporary work space that holds every one of your edits for the mode - without permanently changing the currently stored data.

This is exactly what happens when the EDITOR VST sends a MIXING bulk to the MOX... it places it in the EDIT BUFFER - so unless you physically STORE the data AGAIN in the instrument, it will (magically) disappear when you're done. The Edit Buffer is cleared out, and whatever was there previously - is still there. Short story: there is no reason to use the same Song or Pattern location you used to create this Cubase Project... any would do, actually.

When you open the PROJECT, Cubase will return your NOTES (sequence data) to the Tracks of Cubase, and the Editor VST will return your MIXING (tone generator) settings to the MOX. The Editor does this without OVERWRITING the internal MOX. This is what you need to understand. That it uses "a location" in the MOX, it does not permanently rewrite the data there. It simply bulks your settings into the active EDIT BUFFER.

What's an EDIT BUFFER is, is the work area where your data exists as you play it, edit it, try things out etc. It is volatile memory until you press STORE.

What I’m really trying to ask is wether the original song or pattern location is stored with the project , and if so can it be recalled or do I have to keep song/pattern 1 reserved for working with cubase? As a side note it’s took me 3 years to get my head around this board especially the computer integration part but boy it’s worth the effort. It works so smoothly now. From Idea to sequence to audio takes minutes now as opposed to hours in the past.

Please try this out and you will see. It matters not that you have a SONG or PATTERN in location 01 (simply make sure that the SEQUENCER CONTROL parameter is set to OFF so that the MOX does not start its clock when you start Cubase)... the MOX EDITOR VST will simply use the 01 location and temporarily use it to playback your Cubase sequence - its the hardware - it will change the Voices it needs, it will set the volumes it needs, it will set the pan position, choose the effects, set the Effect send levels, etc., etc., etc. faithfully to what you created... and when you are finished playing your Cubase sequence... here's what you do.

Press [SONG]
Recall SONG 01
You can do so by either moving away and returning or you can turn OFF the

light and simply press number [1]... your SONG that was previously in SONG 01, is there undisturbed. Because the MOX EDITOR VST did not do anything to it. It simply used the EDIT BUFFER of SONG location 01... it did not overwrite it... and by moving away or recalling that location - the STORED data returns. Make sense?

Hope it helps. There is no message sent from the computer to tell the MOX to use any other SONG or PATTERN location... the default is, indeed, 01 as you have noticed. It does not need to be changed because, as I explained, you can completely playback your Cubase sequence with every MOX sound engine edit you made, including MIXING VOICES, customized data, whatever.. totally as you created it - and it does not overwrite whatever was in that 01 location.

It is true on the MOX that anytime you recall a Program (that's a Voice, Performance, Song, Pattern, Master) that data is copied into the instruments current Edit Buffer. There you can perform it, change it, mangle it, alter it in any number of ways - but nothing is permanently changed until you update the data by press [STORE] and writing that change into MOX's internal Flash ROM. The Edit Buffer is automatically cleared when you move away, select a different mode or Program (in some instances). If you recall a Synth Brass Voice that data is immediately copied to the current Edit Buffer. You move a knob or edit anything at all... the "E" appears in the upper right corner indicating that the data differs from what is STORED. In Voice mode this happens all the time. You move to the next Voice - even though you opened the Filter Cutoff, and played around with the Portamento parameter, or altered the sound with the AF1 and AF2 buttons... when you move away and return, the Voice is back to its stored condition.

You can understand the Sequencer MIXING setup in very much the same light. The difference is that the Edit Buffer for the sequencer warns you when you attempt to leave SONG or PATTERN mode for a non-sequencer mode (like Voice or PERFORM) - it does so because the Edit Buffer needs to be cleared to accomplish this MODE CHANGE, and if you do not write your SEQUENCE and MIX to Flash ROM, it will revert back to its previously stored condition (be that empty or whatever the previous data that was there).

Hope that fills in the lines and connects some of those dots.

Posted : 11/11/2014 7:04 pm
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Thank you BM for a very comprehensive and concise answer. I never realised it was using a temporary buffer. I thought it was overwriting the song data. Your right the sequence is undisturbed. Solved!

Thank you very much


Posted : 11/11/2014 10:22 pm

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