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Extract Event

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Hi there, I'm wanting to use the "extract event" job function to pull out a conga pattern from an existing drum groove and apply it to another. I've tried to follow the instructions in the manual, but am getting stuck. I record the groove into a track in a pattern, then job>04 extract event , then it asks me to specify a phrase. what is a phrase and how do I then get the conga phrase applied or appended to an another drum groove - thanks in advance for your help

Posted : 02/12/2017 7:45 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

Steve wrote:

Hi there, I'm wanting to use the "extract event" job function to pull out a conga pattern from an existing drum groove and apply it to another. I've tried to follow the instructions in the manual, but am getting stuck. I record the groove into a track in a pattern, then job>04 extract event , then it asks me to specify a phrase. what is a phrase and how do I then get the conga phrase applied or appended to an another drum groove - thanks in advance for your help

The Extract Event JOB does not ask you to specify a phrase. It will ask you to select the Type of Event.

You could move the conga events but you would need to do it *Note*, Note number by Note number. When you extract a Note, you can specify a Measure/Beat Range, you remove all instances of it in the source track and it is “merged” with data in the target Track.

So for example, the Conga part may use three different drum Keys, D3, D#3, and E3, you would need to extract each in a separate operation... extracting from the source Track targeting a parallel location in the destination Track. Repeat for each drum Note you wish to move.

Posted : 03/12/2017 7:03 pm
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sorry to appear dumb, but attached are the screenshots. I record the groove into track one of pattern 8 (see file one attached). I click "job" and "extract event" - see attached file 2. Then (file three attached) it won't execute the command until I select the phrase (if I leave it set at phrase 1 it gives the error "illegal phrase number"). I understand that I'll need to extract it note at a time but I can't workout how it will extract one note and place it into a different track. thanks in advance

Posted : 04/12/2017 8:05 am
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sorry to appear dumb, but attached are the screenshots. I record the groove into track one of pattern 8 (see file one attached). I click "job" and "extract event" - see attached file 2. Then (file three attached) it won't execute the command until I select the phrase (if I leave it set at phrase 1 it gives the error "illegal phrase number"). I understand that I'll need to extract it note at a time but I can't workout how it will extract one note and place it into a different track. thanks in advance

Attached files

Posted : 04/12/2017 8:08 am
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

Okay, I now understand what you’re not understanding.

A Phrase, in the MOXF, is any recording you do to a Pattern Track.
You are in Pattern 8; Section A, Track 1
I can pretty much guarantee you are recording Phrase 001.
This is the first of 256 User Phrases you can record to Pattern 8.

Each of the sixteen Sections, A-P, has sixteen Tracks. Each Track can hold one Phrase.

You are getting an illegal message because your target Phrase equals your Source Phrase. You cannot Extract data to itself. Error Will Robinson, error!

You specifically said you wished to extract the conga parts to another groove. The item in the dialog box that says “Phrase” is the number of the target Phrase. This is where your extracted data will go!

Behind the scenes when you are recording in Pattern Mode, the MOXF Numbers each User recording you do in a Pattern starting with 001 and running through 256. You need to target a legitimate Phrase number for the extracted data. You can see your Phrase Numbers on a 16 Track grid by pressing the [F4] PATCH button. Tr1 usr001; M004 (is 4 measures)

From your screenshot #1 press [F4] PATCH you will see your four Measure User 001 assigned to Track 01.
If you set the Extract target to Phase 002, the extracted data would be extracted to a new Phrase named 002

You can then “patch” Phrase 002 into any Section - the F4 PATCH screen always shows which of your Phrases are set to play from which Track... highlight any Track in any Section and use the DATA DIAL to dial up usr002... it will contain your extracted data.

In theory if you were doing what you asked about, you would be extracting the conga data from D3, D#3 and E3 to a Track that already had drum data in it, and you would be adding the congas to it in three separate operations. Is that not what you wanted to do? Or did I read it wrong? In your screenshot there is no other track data yet...

Extracted data will “merge” with the data in the target phrase so this is ideal for moving congas into a track with an existing drum groove than is initially without percussion.

Posted : 04/12/2017 9:44 am
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This is really really confusing. Based on your suggestion, here's what I'm doing and the result I'm getting:

I've recorded the full loop (with conga) into track 1 (see screen shot 1)
I hit job>event>04:extract event
See screen shot 2, out of phrase 004 (in track 1) I am trying to extract the conga (note D3) into phrase 009

Then I go to the patch (F4) and try and get track 2 to play the extracted note, which in theory should be in phrase 009

I hit play on track 2 and what I hear is the full original loop, plus the note I have extracted (D3) playing in a piano sound.

Any thoughts?

Attached files

Posted : 10/12/2017 2:30 am
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

Music works like time, it is *inclusive*

In your second screenshot it show you’ve only selected three of the four measures you recorded.

001:1:000 translates to measure 1, Beat 1, clock 000
To the top of Measure 004:1:000 is only three complete measures

You’ve left out Measure 4 (which includes the rest of Beat 1, Beat 2, Beat 3 and Beat 4

If you say 1 hour on a clock, the minute hand goes from the top and makes one complete trip around the dial... you must include the 59th minute so an hour is the hand going completely around to where it started... you’ve stopped at the top of the 59th minute... the hand must return to vertical where it started.

Long story short:

001:1:000 through 005:1:000 is how you write four complete measures.

The piano sound is the sound you have selected for the 2nd track... MIDI is not sound, MIDI Event can be played from any sound... it only represents *when* a Note was hit and *how long* it was held and at what Velocity it was struck. The MIDI Event never includes the sound. MIDI events must be played back to a sound you select. If you want it to play D3 of a Drum Kit you must place a drum Kit Voice on the Track containing Phrase 009. I bet it’s playing D3 on that piano which is the default sound on a track.

You haven’t told us what is phrase 009 was it previously playing another sound or is it a blank phrase?
Originally your question was you were adding a conga part to an already existing drum groove, was that drum groove in Phrase 009? If it were then the D3 would be playing a conga sound.... I can only go on what you’ve told me is happening. If Track 2 (phrase 009) was empty then the note you extracted plays the sound assigned to Part 2, if it’s a drum Kit, it will be a conga, if it’s a flute or a piano, it will play that instrument.

Midi is not sound. MIDI triggers the MOXF Tone Generator which makes the sound.
When you are in the Sequencer Mode on the MOXF notice that there are two main buttons you deal with

Press [Pattern] > Edit - you will be viewing MIDI events recorded to the Track (MIDI)
Press [Mixing] > you will be viewing Parts of the synth Tone Generator (Audio)

Posted : 10/12/2017 9:10 am

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