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Installing 4 UJIIE sounds - Inspiration in a Flash installed

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I installed Inspiration in a Flash a long time ago and I want to install also 4 UJIIE sounds now.

What should I do?

Attached files

Posted : 28/08/2022 10:44 pm
Posts: 8355
Illustrious Member

Strategies for working with flash are documented here:

Hope that helps. I only have a Motif XF for direct help using my own equipment.

Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R

Posted : 29/08/2022 2:54 am
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Thank you very much, I read this material.

Few years ago I loaded All Inspiration in a Fash by "All" file method.

I think that my Moxf file structure is full now.

I want to load now 4 files (UJIIE screen below)

I shouldn't load now by "All" commend?

I should delete 4 files and then load 4 new files by "Voice" commend?
(UJIIE contains voice, voice, performance, performance)

Please write to me in points what should I do and in what order.

Best regards

Attached files

Posted : 31/08/2022 1:31 pm
Posts: 8355
Illustrious Member

Just so you know, the Inspiration In A Flash set:

The INSPIRATION IN A FLASH Library is made up of the following data:
Approx 384MB of data total - this requires the 75% of a 512MB board and about 38% of a 1GB Board.

How full your flash board is depends on the size of the board. But even the 512MB board will have 25% free. Uncompressed the Ujiie set is 2MB so it seems that both would have more than enough room to fit on a 512MB flash board.

I don't see the Ujiie set has any waveforms.

Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R

Posted : 31/08/2022 1:58 pm
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Unpacked Inspiration in a Flash file has 501MB
I have total 510.5 MB and free 10.9 MB
Unpacked UJIIE file has 2.41 MB

I read what Bad Mister one wrote on the forum and from what I understand that Inspiration in a Flash it takes all of 384 Moxf voices structure...

I checked now and Inspiration in a Flash has 3x 128 voices =384 plus 32 Drums
And I read now information Moxf have: User: 384 Normal Voices plus 32 Drums Kits

Posted : 31/08/2022 2:48 pm
Posts: 8355
Illustrious Member

(And Ujiie content is 2 voices)

Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R

Posted : 31/08/2022 4:42 pm
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I don't understand.

Should I delete 2 voices and 2 performance then I should load 2 voices and 2 performance UJIIE.

Or should I load UJIIE file by commend "All" and I will have everything like before plus UJIIE file.
Nothing will be random deleted or overwritten?

Posted : 31/08/2022 6:28 pm
Posts: 8355
Illustrious Member

I'm being descriptive and not prescriptive.

What I mean is that without a MOXF I am limited since I don't like doing walkthroughs without accomplishing the same tasks on my own gear to validate the steps are correct.

I mentioned these are two Voices without samples in order to inform you how easy it would be to fit everything if you currently are using all of the user voice slots.

Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R

Posted : 31/08/2022 6:39 pm
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I will do backup.

Should I load UJIIE file by commend "All"?

and I will have everything like before (all Moxf stuff plus all Inspiration in a Flash stuff)

and plus new UJIIE file?

Nothing will be random deleted or overwritten?

Posted : 31/08/2022 7:09 pm
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Moxf is too complicated for me.
I didn't save anything for now because I don't want to delete stuff.
I write my sounds, performance, and settings on paper...
I want to buy Montage in the future if will be included New AN-X, and I hope it will be easier to save everything...
(I assume that New flagship Synth will come out ~ 4 years,
if earlier, maybe next year or two, then I should wait for Montage successor...
I must build in that time my studio first)

Back to the topic:

Should I load UJIIE stuff by commend "All"?
and should I mark (default):
with samples
with waveforms
with system

Or should I load by commend "Voice" despite this UJIIE has 2 voices and also 2 performances...
but I don't know how to load by commend "voice"... should I search in that process - file that I want to overwritte?

Maybe Bad Mister will help me....

Posted : 31/08/2022 8:31 pm
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Bad Mister was a great helper...
Best wishes for him.

I'm a guitarist and guitar do everything for me.
It's a difficult instrument but very simple to use ; )

I read a lot,
but it's strange that
specialists on forum,
who read a lot also,
shouldn't give me a simple,
or not simple -
step by step - exact- in points - solution.

Or maybe architecture is to difficult for exact - in points - step by step solutions.

Posted : 31/08/2022 9:49 pm
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Yes for all questions.

Backup is done. I'm (future client or not) waiting for answer few days...

I don't speak english well and I want to edit my previous post.

I'm waiting for any step for few days.

Please Bill or Others give me step 2

Posted : 31/08/2022 10:20 pm
Posts: 8355
Illustrious Member

If you use the 1BankVoice load type as described in the following document for all 3 User Banks (User 1, User 2, and User 3) in order to load all of the Inspiration In A Flash (IIAF) content then you will consume all of your User Voices. Do you need all of these voices? I would imagine not.

... so what strategies are available to load less than all of the user voices with the IIAF content?

Option 1:

Take a look at the above document - it describes which files in the IIAF set have what types of sounds. "Bread and butter", "more bread and butter", or "woodwind/ethnic". Lets say you don't need any of the woodwind/ethnic sounds. That makes life easy - don't load that content into any bank and instead load the other two files into any banks you target (USR1, USR2, USR3). At this point, you'll have one bank free and can load the Ujiie set into the available bank you haven't used yet.

Option 2:

Alternatively, if you want to be able to pick-and-choose from all 3 IIAF banks then your best bet would be to invest in the Melas tools for MOXF so that you can take the library and assemble the data such that only your "keepers" (the voices you want) will occupy 2 banks (and load Ujiie content into the 3rd bank). Or ... you could use the JM Tools to just remove two voices and place the two Ujiie voices in their place. This is not as easy as the first option - but still a viable option.

Option 3 (or non-option due to impracticality):

Alternatively, you can also do similar on-keyboard merging using a Motif XF. This is probably the least practical so there's no need to get into that.

As covered before by Bill: any load operation can potentially go foul (due to user error). By this I mean that content you once took time to prepare on your keyboard may be lost. In order to protect against this, backup frequently. Backup your backups - USB flash drives fail. You can save your time by not creating a backup. However, this choice may lead to consequences.

If you don't have any user voices you created and only use presets and the IIIAF or Ujie content - then a backup would not be as necessary. Of course there is other data than voices/Performances -- but just focused on this. If you really just use presets only (and these two libraries) then you can't really loose any voices/Performances because you can always reload from the original library files. Regardless, you've been warned (or, to put it more positively: you've received the encouraging nudge to backup).

Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R

Posted : 31/08/2022 10:53 pm
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Thank you very very much for help Jason and Bill.

Now I know that
I'm unable to replace only 2 voices and 2 performance
from all Moxf stuff with all Inspiration in a Flash stuff - directly by doing that on Moxf only - To replace them by load UJIIE stuff.
I may other options.

I have loaded Inspiration in a Flash long time ago and I don't load UJIIE before. I want to do it now but only directly by Moxf...

Created by me user voices and performance and settings I have on paper only for now.
I wanted save something in the past but Moxf tell me that I must replace something.
And I must do a list and decide what should I overwrite (delete)

But I saved in the past my 17 demo tracks in Song Mode (simple settings versions)

Posted : 01/09/2022 8:56 am
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Please tell me if general backup is enough to save my tracks saved in Song Mode or should I save tracks individual, one by one, on usb stick?

I wonder also why I have double drum kits files in Moxf
and if doubled files deleted some other different files and do I have all the files?
Because one file takes up two spaces.

(from the beginning I had the latest system version and I do everything like was written in manuals and courses, I formatted flash memory and loaded Inspiration in a Flash all files by commend load "All" ...X6A.
After that I optimize files with the option to remove duplicate files, but duplicated files are still there)

I wonder if I load now UJIIE file by commend "All" ...X6A
then Inspiration in a Flash library may be all removed?
Or only files from end of the list will be replaced?
Or random?

I wonder if I manually delete some files only by Moxf from end of the list of Bank 3?
I will be able to load UJIIE files in that place using only Moxf commend to load?

Posted : 02/09/2022 1:23 pm
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