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MOXF as external sound module - notes hang problem

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I tried to post this in a forum (mainstage-centric) somewhere but the subsequent visits I had to issue follow up question, I found the forum was closed and the site is down. It redirects.

Anyway.... here I am now...

I use the MOXFs as my main keyboard controller in Apple's Mainstage application. I use Port1 USB/MIDI as my setting in Mainstage to point to MOXF6.
In this setup, I use Mainstage to send Program Change, MSB and LSB in multiple channels to MOXF6 (while it's in Song or Pattern Mode) and get multiple sounds from it.
Effectively making MOXF6 as my MIDI controller AND my MIDI sound module. VERY VERY COOl! I love it because I have super flexiblity of Mianstage setups for any MIDI
device and use the superb sound of the MOXF6 (specially piano and acoustic insturuments). Best of both worlds!

I, however, have this PROBLEM with this setup that maybe can be resolved by tweaking something in the MOXF that I don't know about:

I do the following:
A. I set up a Mainstage patch (let's call it patch1) using sounds on MOXF6's Channel1 (some Synth Pad sound). It works and sounds/fine.
B. I then set up another Mainstage patch (let's call it patch2) also using sounds on MOXF6's Channel2 this time (some brass section sound). It works and sounds/fine.

(Note: The reason I do different channels this way is to avoid the cut sound problem when moving back and forth between the 2 patches if the same channels are used - similar to sound cutoff when moving from voice to voice on the MOXFs istelf. I am mimicking the "fix" suggested on Motifator a while back - Part Select in Song/Pattern mode to have multiple soudns at your fingertips!).

Problem is this:

When I...
(1) hold a chord in patch1 and then
(2) step on my MOXF6 sustain pedal to hold the sound, then
(3) switch to patch2 on Mainstage...

patch1's Pad sound remains sustained and does NOT die EVEN AFTER I RELEASE the sustain pedal!
It stays this way indefinitely until I issue Panic command in Mainatage or switch back to patch1.
Same problem switching from patch2 to patch1.

I try to read to learn about MIDI and I am pretty sure it is my setup error so I inspected the log of MIDI events in Mainstage.

I noticed that regardless of whether I am in Mainstage patch1 (to play sound from MOXF6's channel1) or patch2 (sounds from channel2), the MOXF logs MIDI events only in channel1 - including the sustain pedal and other controls (pitch bend, etc).

Is there a way for MOXF6 to send(?)/transmit(?) on all channels all the time so I can use the MOXF6 hardware/controls and it will affect any patch I am on?
Am I even thinking about this correctly?

Posted : 29/01/2016 6:53 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

The seamless switching between MOXF Parts works only when you are switching MIDI Transmit channel of the MOXF.

Little known fact the number buttons [1]-[16] on the front panel change MIDI Transmit channel of the MOXF (when they not acting in other roles)
In other words, when the

button is lit, you will select the MIDI Transmit channel via the Track Select, 1-16 buttons. When you involve Mainstage, it does not change the physical Transmit function of your MOXF keyboard; touching the front panel button can do that. The MOXF triggers itself directly - the Midi channel designation is how the data will appear when exported via Midi.

And only the MOXF keyboard can work that seamless transition between MOXF Parts. That's a Yamaha feature, that works because of the way signal is routed within the MOXF engine. Your mileage will vary when trying use Mainstage to switch where/how your midi is redirected. Apparently, this does not fully work, as it does when using only the MOXF front panel [1]-[16] buttons and keyboard to address the MOXF tone engine.

We have to take a look at what you can or cannot access from external devices, like Mainstage... I don't know Mainstage, personally, but I do know enough about how Yamaha keyboards work to see where an internal function may not be accessible in the same way as it is internally. The MOXF can generate notes via the keyboard, via Midi In and via on of four on-board arpeggiators. Different routing scenarios are available to fit these different situations and applications. As you can image, there are times when you want hear the keys you press, there are other tImes when you want just the trigger notes to be analyzed and turned into musical phrases or drum grooves (arpeggiator).

Certain information requires the internal keyboard to work as controlling device. Seamless switching between Parts by changing the Midi channel is one of those things, that probably is not available In the same way through MIDI. When you switch channels externally (on your external device) you are no longer in touch with MIDI information on the previous channel. It simply switches any notes left sounding will be left hanging, literally. What you are not recognizing is that the MOXF keyboard controller does not address itself via MIDI. The channel is used to tell the external world what channel the generated data will be encoded on. It does not speak to itself (in all cases) via MIDI. So the controllers when engaged physically on the MOXF are in touch with the tone generator, any keys held physically or held with the pedal will hold the sound that you were originally playing... Any subsequent notes or controller movements now apply to the new channel selected... The held notes continue until you physically release the note (key) or release the sustain pedal. It does this because of the physical connection between the MOXF's keys and controllers and the MOXF tone engine. This programming trick is used when using the MOXF as its own master.

Posted : 29/01/2016 7:29 pm
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Thanks, Phil!

I couldn't have asked for a quicker, better and more complete reply!
Also, I have a totally new and better appreciation for the that "seamless switching" functionality.
High praises to the programmers and people like you who I am sure are heavily involved in the functionality of Yamaha synths.
Btw, I watch your videos all the time! one day i will make it to NAMM via some connection in the future. lol.:D

Going back...

Unfortunately, I use Mainstage as my main "consolidating" software/manager (if that makes sense) for other hardware and softsynths so the MOXF was a "big player acquisition" because of sound quality. I was hoping to take advantage of that "seamless transition between MOXF Parts trick (or some other comparable trick/way) via MIDI/mainstage but it kinda makes sense how it can only be done from within MOXF's controls. Show stopper. Bums me out. πŸ™

Open to suggestions here... I really like my MOXF6! πŸ™

Posted : 29/01/2016 10:01 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

One of my co-workers just got Mainstage, and if there is some way to accomplish it I'm confident he'll find it. As I've said I haven't used it myself and I'm intrigued about it (although it seems it generates a whole lot of questions)

Posted : 29/01/2016 10:12 pm
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hoping and looking forward to what he finds. so excited! thanks!

Posted : 29/01/2016 11:06 pm
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I ran into this problem on my Nord when using it to control Mainstage. Essentially the problem was that when I switched patches in Mainstage, depending on which patch I went too, the midi channel routing between MS and the Nord would be slightly different, so Mainstage would not get the sustain off message on the right channel and thus the sound kept playing.

I solved it by blocking the sustain message on the problem patches, and would just keep holding the chord until I wanted it to release. I believe since the keyboard was set to transmit/receive (in Mainstage) on all channels it would receive the note off messages on every midi channel.

Mainstage is pretty powerful when it comes to Midi so if you start playing with the various settings you might be able to find a work around for this. There is a program called Midi Pipe which might help you out. It can basically change/convert any midi message/channel number as needed. You might be able to program it to receive a sustain message on one channel and pipe it into mainstage on all channels, without effecting any of your other midi input.

I used it to convert the 16 CC messages coming from my Samson Graphite's 16 buttons to 8 bank change and 8 program change messages all transmitting on their own midi channel, so one pair of buttons would send a bank change and program change on channel 1, the next on channel 2 etc. It was pretty complicated but in the end I could select 64 different patches on Mainstage with the buttons on the Samson without having to scroll down the patch list.

Hope this is somewhat helpful.....

Posted : 07/02/2016 12:28 am
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thanks for taking the time to reply.

I am still open to other things specially within mainstage out of the box but this gives me ideas.

thanks I will look into it (re-visit Mainstage settings for any workaroud (I have but it does not hurt to check anything I may have missed) and/or the MIDI pipe program).

Thanks again.

Posted : 08/02/2016 4:49 pm
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Anything from your co-worker, badmister? πŸ˜‰ I kinda gave up but now wanted to give it another shot. I want to enjoy my MOXF and my mac/Mainstage.


Posted : 19/03/2016 4:07 am
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New Member

Hi there,

I am new at Yamaha moxf but I have been using MainStage for 8+years.

I have some questions related to volume and pan setting.

My setup:
I have the same setup (Yamaha moxf6/ MainStage 3) as Dodgie has.

"I use Port1 USB/MIDI as my setting in Mainstage to point to MOXF6.
In this setup, I use Mainstage to send Program Change, MSB and LSB in multiple channels to MOXF6 (while it's in Song or Pattern Mode) and get multiple sounds from it."

My issue:

When there is only one sound (channel strip) added to a patch I can control volume and pan data.
As soon as I have two or more channel strips set to a patch I can not control the volume and pan.

How do you setup the moxf6 and MainStage?

Many Thanks:)

Posted : 29/10/2017 9:16 am
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

When there is only one sound (channel strip) added to a patch I can control volume and pan data.
As soon as I have two or more channel strips set to a patch I can not control the volume and pan.

This statement is unclear ... β€œone sound”, β€œpatch”, meaningless words in the MOXF

Try using Voice Mode, Performance Mode, Song/Pattern Mixing Mode when referring to the MOXF so we know what you are referring to... thanks.

Posted : 29/10/2017 12:27 pm

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