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Recording performance locally, then recording it to cubase

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I have been trying to perfect the process of recording performance on the moxf6, then moving it to a cubase project

This is what I have so far-

* Select performance, record to pattern per the manual
* Select pattern
* Create new cubase project, VST template ( not two channel record, as I am not sure what that's for yet)
* Select pattern ( I am defaulting to song) making sure to transfer from moxf6 not to moxf6
* Seems you have to manually set cubase tempo
* Record to track 1 in cubase
* Using cubase, dissolve that part to multiple tracks, mute original channel ( some cleanup of tracks is probably a good idea at this point as desired)
* On the moxf6, select section B, effectively muting your recorded MIDI data there ( seemed to be the simplest option)
* At this point, I am not 100% what to so with the arp settings, so I am turning the arp switch off

If there's a better way, I am curious about it. This seems good so far and not too complex

Posted : 15/12/2014 3:14 am
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

There are two methods to properly transfer data from the MOXF sequencer to Cubase:
1) Save the MOXF data as a SMF (Standard MIDI File) *.mid (then simply open it in Cubase).
2) Setup to transfer the data in realtime (involves both sequencers).

The first simply opens the data in the DAW exactly as represented in the MOXF sequencer
The second requires you synchronize the Clocks (make the DAW master clock, set the MOXF to slave) record to 1 Track, MIDI CH set to "Any", then use DISSOLVE PARTS to separate the four Tracks.

Saving the data to a file ensures that all data is positioned properly and things like tempo will automatically be imported.
Realtime transfer requires synchronizing the clocks. Below I will recount the steps to accomplish each type of transfer.

Record your PERFORMANCE to PATTERN mode using the MOXF standalone (without computer connected)
Verify that the data plays back exactly as you desire.

Because you have recorded the Arpeggios to the MOXF sequencer - they are no longer Arpeggios, they are now considered regular MIDI events documented to a Track. So when playing the data back be sure to deactivate the main ARPEGGIO ON/OFF switch. (Very Important)!
Press [STORE] to update your MIXING data.

From Pattern mode...

1- MIDI File Transfer
Insert a USB drive you already use with your MOXF
Press [FILE]
Press [F2] SAVE
Move the cursor between the brackets and give the File a unique NAME
Press [SF1] EXEC to set the Name
You will be asked to select what you wish to Save... Select "PATTERN"
Select the "Pattern Number" and the "SECTION" letter A-P
Press [SF1] EXEC to execute the File Save.

This will write a .MID file which you can now Import to your computer DAW. The MOXF will export a single SECTION as a .MID File. If you have more than one Section you will need to export them individually (or create a CHAIN > SONG, and then export the entire SONG).

Physically remove the USB drive and connect it to your computer.

In CUBASE: set the following Preferences:
If you are on a Windows PC, your Cubase "Preferences" are found by going to FILE > Preferences > MIDI > MIDI File
If you are on a Macintosh, your Cubase "Preferences" are found by going to Cubase AI > Preferences > MIDI > MIDI File

Set the IMPORT Options as follows:

_ Click APPLY (very important)
_ Click OK

This will allow the data to be imported to a single MIDI Track of Cubase (the MIDI track will contain all channels).

Now you can either Import the File (FILE > IMPORT > MIDI File) or simply Drag and Drop the file to Measure 001 of an Empty Cubase Project.
This will place the data on a single MIDI Track with the MIDI OUT channel set to "Any" (means each channel will playback as originally recorded).
While the data is on this single Track make sure you set the MIDI OUT target to the device you want to play it back through.

For example, if you want to use the MOXF VST launch that now:
Go to DEVICES > VST INSTRUMENT > Instrument Rack > External > MOXF6/MOXF8 VST
When you are asked to create a Track for this VST plug-in select "CANCEL" (you already have a MIDI Track)
Cubase will create the VSTI Folder, the MOXF VST SubFolder, the Automation Lane, the 'virtual' Audio Lane
On the Track Inspector set your MIDI track to MIDI OUT = "MOXF VST - MIDI In"

You can now use the MIDI function" DISSOLVE PARTS" to separate the data to individual MIDI Tracks. Because you set the MIDI OUT target first, all tracks created by the Dissolve Parts routine will automatically be assigned to separate MIDI channels of the MOXF VST.

Recall your Pattern in the MOXF... doing so at this point will allow the MOXF VST software to receive the Mixing setup.
You can recall your Pattern by moving away and then recalling it, or by going to the main PATTERN screen, turn OFF the

button, then pressing the lit number button [1]-[16] that corresponds to Pattern number. This action will cause the ONLINE VST Editor to receive the MIXING Setup.

You now have both the MIXING setup and your MIDI data imported to the Cubase Project.

2- MIDI Realtime Transfer
In Cubase:
This will ensure that Cubase will send MIDI Clock Out to the MOXF's primary MIDI IN port.
In an Empty Project, launch the MOXF VST: Go to DEVICES > VST INSTRUMENTS > EXTERNAL > MOXF6/MOXF8 VST
When asked to create a MIDI Track assigned to this VST plug-in - CREATE IT!

Change the MIDI CH from "1" to "ANY" (This will allow the Track to echo/thru the data back OUT on the channel(s) it sees coming in.

Go to PROJECT > TEMPO TRACK (or CTRL + T) - click the Metronome in the upper left corner, allowing you set set a FIXED TEMPO... set the TEMPO in Cubase - as it will be the MASTER Clock.

In the MOXF:
Setup your MOXF, after you have setup Cubase - now when you recall your PATTERN the Editor will "receive" the MIXING setup automatically.

From your PATTERN select QUICK SETUP #1 = DAW REC
Press [F6] MIDI
Press [SF3] SYNC
While the DAW REC template sets the MIDI SYNC = Auto (good) we also need the MOXF Sequencer to follow the commands of Cuabse:
Make sure that the SEQ CONTROL = IN
This will ensure that the Transport of the MOXF will respond when you Start and Stop Cubase. You can set this to OFF when you do not want the MOXF sequencer to start along with Cubase.

Since you are transferring from PATTERN mode, you want to make sure that you set (in Cubase) the number of Measures you wish to record... You do so on the TRANSPORT bar... you will see below an example where I'm set to record from measure 1 through the top of measure 33 (means I will punch in at measure 1 and out after 32 measures are completed). "L" is the left marker and "R" represents the right marker.

Notice the "R" (right marker) is highlighted setting the punch OUT point.

In Cubase - make sure the MIDI Track is selected and the RED Record Ready button is lit
Click "M" in the Audio Lane to MUTE the latent audio - we will monitor the MOXF Parts "direct". By clicking "M" on the audio lane you will not hear this (second) stream of audio, post-recording to Cubase. We opt to listen to the MOXF as it is being triggered by its own sequence data during the transfer (direct).

You are ready now to begin recording - make sure your MOXF is set in PATTERN mode to start from the TOP... Measure 001, Beat 1
Click the RED RECORD button on the Cubase transport and playback of both will begin and the transfer will take place.

When completed, remember before you playback, to set the MOXF's SEQ CTRL = OFF - this will prevent the MOXF from starting when you start Cubase.
Now you can use the DISSOLVE PART function to separate the Tracks, if you desire.

Hope that helps. While it is complicated to write out, it is not that complex to actually do. Much like tying your shoe or a windsor tie knot - sounds complicated, in actual fact, a child could do it!

Posted : 15/12/2014 11:13 am
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Great, will try to walk through the file saving step, because that seems a bit easier than how I was doing it

Posted : 15/12/2014 8:51 pm
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Your instructions were very good. I used the MIDI file output ability

For some reason, the import created 4 tracks, where one was a sys ex, and another seemed to have no data at all. Perhaps setting related
Also, I needed to change sections on the pattern to not play original pattern ( or I could delete it, as it's probably served it's purpose)

The really great thing about this is that I was able to (in Cubase) some glitches in the recorded arpeggios that I could not seem to prevent after many takes. And now it should be easy to add any additional tracks

Now I just need to figure out how best to record any control changes I want

Posted : 24/12/2014 3:57 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

For some reason, the import created 4 tracks, where one was a sys ex, and another seemed to have no data at all.

Whatever Cubase did when you imported the data was due to the settings you made (or inherited, if you did not change them) in the Cubase Preferences for MIDI File Import Options. see my post above.

Posted : 24/12/2014 8:58 pm
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New Member

Hello all,

I’m new to the MOXF but have experience with Cubase and the MX49 for a few years now. I was excited to learn that I could record my track mutes using the β€˜scene track’ but am having some issues. Instead of creating another topic, I'm going to add on to this one that I tried to use as a tutorial for my problem.

I started with a 4-bar pattern, in pattern mode, then chained those patterns together and converted to a song. I then recorded a "scene track" to capture my real time mutes.

That part must have worked, because I saved the song in the MOXF, cycled power, and my song still has the proper mutes when played through the MOXF. Right now, the song plays back in the keyboard as I want it to. FYI, I skipped recording a tempo scene since I don’t have changes in this song.

However, when I import the SMF/midi file from the MOXF into Cubase and dissolve parts back to their original tracks, the mutes ARE NOT included in the midi data or what I hear being played back! The parts just play as normal, without the mutes.

I’ve followed the manual (pgs 42-51), the instructions in this thread and the tutorial β€œmoving-a-moxf6-moxf8-song-into-a-cubase-project”, with no luck.

Is it even possible to do this? Does the β€˜scene track’ info get included in the midi file that's exported to Cubase, or is that data only used by the hardware? Thanks for any help!

A still excited, yet very frustrated new MOXF6 owner!

Posted : 21/08/2016 10:13 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

There is no standard MIDI command for Track Mute. That is a Yamaha convention within the sequencer. So when you export as a SMF, there is no documentation of your Track Mute events. The SMF accounts for data on the 16 MIDI channels... which it imports from the 16 Tracks of the MOXF sequencer. The MOXF has an additional 'global' track that is not exported as part of the SMF format, and that is the "Scene Track" with all of those Yamaha Track Mute events.

If you were recording Audio from the MOXF, the Mutes would be respected (or have their intended effect), as the Parts on those tracks would not sound, and no audio would be recorded. But you are not using the MIDI data to trigger audio, you are simply transferring it to a different MIDI sequencer that cannot even see the Yamaha MOXF specific Track Mute events.

The Track Mutes in Cubase are events that only Mute Cubase tracks.
Sorry, but there is no universal Track Mute event.

You can either duplicate the Track Mutes using Cubase Automation or manually remove data during those muted segments.

Posted : 21/08/2016 10:28 pm
Posts: 0
New Member

Thank you! I was just going to reply that I "found Bad Mister's answer" in a thread called, "is-it-possible-to-record-midi-song-control-messages-in-cubase-ai."

Your explanation makes a lot of sense and furthers my understanding of MIDI. I was more frustrated in thinking I must have missed a setting! Now it's back to the Top 10 MOXF articles, which I'm following step-by-step.

Thanks for the lightening fast reply!

Posted : 21/08/2016 11:10 pm

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