I recorded a bunch of songs from youtube into Cubase 8 to practice with using a Tascam US-1641 interface at 24bit 48k.
I was having trouble syncing my practice recordings with those tracks so I switched from the Tascam to the MOXF8 as my USB Audio Interface -
Now on playback the songs are pitched lower and out of tune by about a quarter pitch.
Can anyone explain what's going on and how to fix it?
You are hearing your 48kHz wav playing back at 44.1kHz.
Convert your Project to 44,100
Go to PROJECT > Project Setup
48,000 Hz is probably red or orange indicating the conflict
Change the Sample Rate to 44,100
You will be asked if you want to convert and keep the original in the Pool
Convert your wav data to 44,100 and it will play properly.
Worked Perfectly - thank you SO MUCH!