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Trying to use Mainstage with MOXF6!

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Hello everyone,

I am a newbie in the world of synths and recently I am starting the journey with the combination of MOXF6 + Mainstage.

I use usb to connect the computer and MOXF6 and it works perfectly (had to install the drivers though).

In the layer mode of mainstage, apart of the basic stuff like keyboard, sustain pedal and mod wheel, I also have many knobs, buttons and sliders. The thing is I find difficulties to asign these last ones to the physic knobs/buttons/layers, since not all of them send midi signal to the software. I have identified that in some modes like voice, or daw, some buttons/knobs work (send signal) and others do not. Changing modes/configurations disables/enables some of them (I dont know what is the criteria because I am not familiar with the functions and modes).

My question is:
Is there any configuration that disables all the local actions of the synth, but the actions I make in the synth still send midi signal to the computer so I can asign those signals (from knobs/buttons/sliders) to my mainstage's knobs/buttons/sliders?

I tried to turn local off but I still can change modes so the problema persists.

Any suggestion of how should I prepare the synth?

Soon I might get a nanoKontrol to asign stuff, but still would like to use some knobs/buttons of the synth to do actions in the software.

Any help/suggestion is very much appreciated.


Posted : 05/02/2022 10:50 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

Please see the following:


Posted : 07/02/2022 3:00 pm

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