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Voice select in Cubase 8 pro?

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In Cubase 8 Pro, in a miditrack directed to the MOXF, you get a list where you can select
the MOXF voice you want (no Bank or Progamnr needed). But the list only shows the
PRE and GM banks (drumsets included). No User sounds can be selected in this list.

MOXF is in songmode, of course.

How can I select a sound from a user bank in Cubase ?

Thanks for any help !


Posted : 17/08/2015 8:51 am
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

Any list made by some one else (other than yourself) would not know what Voices you currently have loaded into your internal USER banks. This is the downside of using pre-made Voice Lists, they can only be as current as you manually make them. They, of course, have the Preset and GM VOICES listed properly, they never change. But what you currently have in your User Banks is subject to change depending on what you last loaded.

We highly recommend you use the "Yamaha MOXF EDITOR Standalone/VST" as it can quickly and easily be updated to reflect exactly your current internal User Voices and it will allow you to even keep track of any new Mix Voices you edit/create for this particular composition.

Learning to setup and use the MOXF EDITOR to select and organize your MOXF Voices is far better than the old script file list, and not just because it includes the USER Banks, but because it is a complete record of all the Effects as you edit them (script file voice lists do nothing to remember you Effects, your EQ, your tweaks, - they only remember the name of the Voice you used its volume and its pan position), the Editor remembers everything, simply everything about your selections.

When setup to use the MOXF VST, you would use the Editor's graphic interface to manage and control the MOXF, when you select a PART on the MOXF Cubase Pro 8 will automatically select the MIDI track assigned for the Part and vice versa, if you select the MIDI track, the Editor will automatically select the appropriate Part - as Cubase and your hardware MOXF will be completely synchronized. You also can have access to all your MOXF Voice libraries in one easy to access librarian within Cubase Pro 8. (Script files worked great when you don't have an open-ended source of User Voices, and it was great back in the 1990s, but using the VST and the VST SOUND BROWSER you'll find a better more modern way to manage your selections).

You can find out how to use this feature in the following articles:
Adding MOXF VOICE Libraries to Cubase as VST Presets

Posted : 17/08/2015 10:08 am
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Thank you ! Seems logic but I'm still getting used to the new ways of working (vst plugins and stuff...)

Tomorrow I'll give it a go. I'm trying to recreate Pop Corn as test with all my recently bought equipment. (Moxf, MG12, UR242, Arp, SUB37...)

Posted : 17/08/2015 6:07 pm
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I tried the VSTi this morning.

If I use VST then I can select al the sounds I want and record in lanes the different channels (1-16) but i cannot control volume with my CC12 (not even master volume
of the moxf) I have to set the volumes in the editor : fixed and not able to record automation.

If I only use the VST in a track for settings and then use extra (normal) midi-tracks to control the channels, volume control works just fine. And I can select the
voices in the 'VST' track.

Is the latter the correct way to work with the VST?
The MOXF editor document is not clear on how to exactly do this. They mention extra midi-tracks per midichannel but not exactly how to.

Thanks in advance,


Posted : 30/08/2015 1:00 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

If I use VST then I can select al the sounds I want and record in lanes the different channels (1-16) but i cannot control volume with my CC12 (not even master volume
of the moxf) I have to set the volumes in the editor : fixed and not able to record automation.

cc12 is not Volume, and it is certainly not master volume. Master Volume is only entered via the Universal Master Volume message (System Exclusive, Universal Real Time message)

Individual Part Volume is controlled by cc007 which is channel Main Volume or by cc011 which is Expression.
cc007 is the absolute Volume of the Midi channel - if you set this to 101, for example, then your Foot Controller 1 (which sends cc011) will be 101 when the pedal is in the toe down position and 0 in the heel down position.

cc012 is not assigned to do anything specific in the MOXF.

You do not "Record" Automation as much as you "Write Automation". In other words, if the red Record light is lit controller movements will be documented directly to the MIDI Track. If you select "W" (Write) in the MOXF VSTs Automation Lane or at the very top of the Editor VST (this can be done without entering Record) controller movements will be documented to the Cubase Automation Lane.

The advantage of documenting the controllers to their own lane is you can easily mute them, copy them, isolate them, draw them, without disturbing the actual musical performance data. If your cc messages are all mixed in with your notes on the MIDI track it's simply inconvenient to make lots of changes, however separated they are easily isolated for editing and so on.

Of course, there are controller movements that are apart of your performing, like PB, MW, Expression pedal and the like... Automation is typically for things you would do during mixdown, like fade ins/fade outs, pan position changes, Effect send changes, and the like. It is really up to you.

I always have two "hats" when I work with a DAW like Cubase. The first "hat" is my "musician hat", when I have this on I'm playing, composing and thinking music. The other "hat" is my "engineering hat", when I don that hat I'm a recording engineering working with computer software, I'm mixing, editing and I keep them separate.

You will find the Read/Write (Automation) buttons at the top of the Editor, and in Cubase on the dedicated Automation Lane.

When you wish to overdub your automation, again you DO NOT hit Record, you simply click on the "W" for Write Automation, (both the R and W will illuminate arming both Writing and Reading back your controller movements). You can either move the physical controller, the icon of that controller in the Editor VST, or you can draw automation with the Cubase Pencil tool.

Posted : 30/08/2015 9:38 pm
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Thanks but I made a typo error. I meant my CC121 (Steinberg controller).

Posted : 31/08/2015 11:52 am
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

Ah, the Steinberg CC121... Unfortunately, I'm about a thousand miles from my studio now, if you need help in setting that up right away please contact Steinberg either via email through your MySteinberg Account, or on the Forum. I will be back in my studio on Wednesday, and can look into it at that time, if you have not heard back from Steinberg. Sorry, it is not right on the surface of my memory and I don't want to guess and send you down the wrong path.

Let us know.

Posted : 31/08/2015 5:29 pm

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