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VST Record mode, cubase and Assign 1 knob

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When I try to change Assign 1 in VST Record mode, it behaves erratically. I am thinking it's due to how the messaging works when local control is off. Is there a recommended way to work with Assign knobs in VST record?

Pitch bend and modulate seem to work as expected, so it's not all controls that don't work as expected

Posted : 28/12/2014 8:35 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12304

Pitch Bend is its own category of MIDI message, Modulation Wheel (cc001) is a standard Control Change message, as is Assign 1 (cc016). And all should be capable of being recorded and played back in the same fashion. You don't describe the erratic behavior so we are at a loss to tell you what is wrong.

In general, PB and MW are used during the performance of an instrument and are typically recorded as MIDI data directly to the MIDI Track itself (performance data). However, things like Assignable Knobs 1/2 can be assigned functions that are considered automation (they alter some portion of the sound or mix) - they might alter the Wet/Dry Balance or the number of repeats in a Delay Effect, or the Volume or Pan location of a PART, etc. These are things you might want to keep separate from the performing data. You might go back and overdub Volume changes or Pan position changes or Effect changes, after the fact - these are your "automated" mix functions. Cubase allows you to "write" these to a dedicated AUTOMATION LANE(s) provided for each VSTi. This way you have more control over this data when it comes to editing or even muting the automation separately from the musical performance. Instead of recording the data considered "automation" directly to the MIDI Track, it is written (W = Write), instead, to the Automation Lane.

You do not tell us if you are recording the Controller data directly to the MIDI track or you are writing it as Automation to the MOXF VST's Automation Lane.

By recording the controller data to the track it is inseparable from during playback. If you use the R/W (Read/Write Automation) function found on the MOXF's VST Automation Lane, the data will be associated with the MIDI Track but you will be able to edit and mute the Automation separate from the rest of the MIDI Track data.

Either way - it should be able to be recorded and played back accurately!

So for further help with this issue, we need to know:
1) How you are recording/writing the ASSIGN 1 Knob?
2) What is the ASSIGN 1 Knob assigned to control in your particular instance?
3) Is the erratic behavior because you are not RESETTING the Assign 1 Value to its initial condition when you restart your Project from Measure 1? What this means is - if you have moved AS1 from its original condition - and then you playback what you recorded - are your Cubase Preferences set so that your controller data RESETS when you return to the TOP of the Project... it is possible that you are inheriting the last location of AS1 when you return to the top. If you have the VST Editor window open at the time - you can see the icon for ASSIGN 1 move in response to the track playing back - not only do the notes you play show up on the VST Editor's keyboard, the KNOBS you move will animate as well. This will allow you to see where your KNOB is when you start and stop playback.

Say your AS1 knob is set to +0 when you start recording - and is at +49 when you finish.
Now you STOP recording, and return to the top of the Project - is AS1 reset to 0 or are you inheriting +49 (this could seem to be 'erratic' behavior if you are unaware of this fact. The PB Wheel as you know RESETS automatically because it has a spring that returns it to +0000, but turning a KNOB and leaving it at a particular Value, that Value will persist until a new Value is received - (or the Controller is told to RESET).

Let us know ... That will help us, help you.

Posted : 29/12/2014 1:36 am
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Ok, fair questions

I have Cubase, using VST template. Non local mode, so all MIDI should go from synth to Cubase. I turn assign 1 to the left, and it starts changing, but then Assign 1 resets to -1 or +1, or maybe -2 or +2 no matter how much I rotate it. I hit record, like to record normally. I don't know how to record to automation lane, so I suspect I am not doing that.
2. I don't know what assign 1 was assigned to
3. That is possible. But once it reset, if it reset for some reason, why can't I change it afterwards? Anyway, it looks like it's noting that I am trying to change it but stops changing it, or is continuously resetting it to some small magnitude value, never less/more than -2/+2.

Posted : 29/12/2014 7:53 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12304

Michael wrote:

Ok, fair questions

I have Cubase, using VST template. Non local mode, so all MIDI should go from synth to Cubase. I turn assign 1 to the left, and it starts changing, but then Assign 1 resets to -1 or +1, or maybe -2 or +2 no matter how much I rotate it. I hit record, like to record normally. I don't know how to record to automation lane, so I suspect I am not doing that.
2. I don't know what assign 1 was assigned to
3. That is possible. But once it reset, if it reset for some reason, why can't I change it afterwards? Anyway, it looks like it's noting that I am trying to change it but stops changing it, or is continuously resetting it to some small magnitude value, never less/more than -2/+2.

I suspect one of two things: _a routing error that has the parameter fighting itself (a MIDI loop perhaps)
_a version mismatch between Editor VST and your MOXF firmware... (Although this should cause an immediate error message)

You can check what ASSIGN 1 is assigned to control easily enough. Whatever TRACK you have selected in CUBASE the corresponding PART will be highlighted in your MOXF Editor VST, and vice versa, if you select a PART on the Editor the corresponding MIDI TRACK in Cubase will highlight (this is how you know your VST routing is correct).

Using the Editor VST to explore:
Select a specific Track or Part.
On the Editor click on the arrow that moves the EDIT parameter overlay in place
There are six possible assignments. Physical Controllers are CONTROL SOURCEs. Find the AS1(16) assignment.

On the MOXF you can accomplish the same thing:
From your SONG or PATTERN
Press [MIXING]
Press a number button [1]-[16] to select the Part
Press [F5] VCE ED (Voice Edit) -this drops you into full edit on this particular Voice
Press [COMMON]
Press [F4] CTL SET
Use [SF1], [SF2] and [SF3] to explore the Control Sets.

If the parameter assigned to AS1 is also controlled by another controller, chaos can ensue as they argue over control. Controller Data in the track, that is cc016 can battle against you trying to control it with the knob.
In general, you want to make sure the MIDI track you have selected is directed to the Part you want to respond. Please give us details (what Voice, what is the track situation - are you recording to a blank track, or are you overdubbing new data on top of old?) and/or screenshots, if you can.

Posted : 29/12/2014 9:46 pm
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I think it may have nothing to do with record, and not necessarily with specific knobs ( which makes sense). I ran into the issue again today

Cubase project using VST template (brand new project in the last hour)
Synth set to VST record quick setup
Local control off

I have two tracks, same moxf6 voice ( funky resonance or something like that). One on MIDI channel 1, the other on 6.

On one of the tracks, I can change the cutoff. On the other when I try to lower it, it appears to keep resetting back to some number, right now, -23. If I turn it very fast, I can get it to decrease more. BUT, if I then stop changing it, it resets back to -23. So it does seem like either Cubase or the moxf6 is resetting it continuously.
( Note I don't think it's isolated to cutoff, resonance has same issue, and possible any knob has same issue. Pitch bend, and mod wheel work as expected)

Doesn't make a lot of sense to me, what's different between the two tracks, unless, when I set the voice in the VST panel, something different happened with the two different tracks.

Update - I can change cutoff in the VST window, just not on the synth. But note as I say, it works just fine for track 1 no matter which method I use to change it

Posted : 30/12/2014 8:30 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12304

It's a routing issue.

I wish we could follow your setup. You mention you are using a VST template - we are not clear on what you mean by this. Which "VST template"?
Then you say your set the Synth to VST Rec
And you set Local off (this is redundant, no?)

Are you doing these three things. Seems the template should set this all up in one operation. Where is this Template you're referring to found? Is it a factory template, or your own template?

I have two tracks, same moxf6 voice ( funky resonance or something like that). One on MIDI channel 1, the other on 6.

It sounds to us as if you transmitting from the hardware and not correctly allowing the software to work for you.

When you are turning the knobs on the front panel what TRACK button is lit?
When you select Track 1 in Cubase, what is the exact name of MIDI OUT assignment?
When you select the other TRACK (the one on CH 6) what is the exact name of the MIDI OUT assignment?

Is it "MOXF VST - Midi In" or something else?

Posted : 31/12/2014 12:10 am
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I likely gave up on this. I think I switched to "painting" the control changes into cubase.

Anyway, I apologize for the confusion but when I say templates I mean the standard Moxf6 templates in Cubase AI. Maybe you don't use them, but I assumed that was what they were there for ( that is, I should use the Moxf6 templates provided by Cubase where appropriate.)

Posted : 07/01/2015 1:16 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12304

I assumed that was what they were there for (that is, I should use the Moxf6 templates provided by Cubase where appropriate.)

"...where appropriate" is the key. It is far better when attempting to learn, NOT to use a template someone else created, unless the template is designed to do exactly what you require. Using a template made by anyone does not always apply to your workflow. It is simple routing... And like 'connecting the dots', once you have a personal method of working, it becomes very simple to follow and understand if you've made the connections yourself. (Or I should say it is easier and much clearer).

Once you learn to set it up manually, in theory, you will have a better understanding of how the signal flows. (And Cubase allows you to name and save your setup, based on your workflow. I don't recall a template provided that meets your requirement:
"I have two tracks, same moxf6 voice ( funky resonance or something like that). One on MIDI channel 1, the other on 6.".... Etc. that is not necessarily described in the template you have chosen.

If you decide not to give up, let us know. We will be posting a video tutorial on VST routing, monitoring, and understanding your options about monitoring. Then you will find it easier to customize what you are doing. I doubt the person making the template had your (unique) situation in mind.

Painting controllers in with a mouse can be okay, but in my opinion it is second to being setup so you can use the knobs on the front panel (realtime) during your performance. And trust me, when setup properly, you can.

Posted : 07/01/2015 3:10 pm
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New Member

Hi all, I've been familiarizing myself with the Yamaha MOXF and Cubase AI Elements 7 integration. I recorded a part in pattern mode incorporating the arpeggiator with a drum kit, and a separate one using a bass. The problem began as I was recording the bass line. I noticed that the led's from the assignable functions on the keyboard were flashing on and off for no apparent reason. When I played it back the delay knob on the editor increased unexpectedly very briefly and then reset to its original value. A few things to consider: (1) At one point I do remember tweaking a few things while the editor was still "online"; perhaps unknowingly applying those changes. (2) The manual that came with it mentions that settings in the vsti setup can be applied automatically except the button it refers to and the connections aren't being displayed for some reason. Can someone help me diagnose this problem and be of any assistance? Thanks a bunch! πŸ˜€

Posted : 14/04/2015 5:33 am
Bad Mister
Posts: 12304

Hi Marcos,

You should really start your own thread - not only is your question different (and unrelated to this thread) it will allow the original poster to continue if they desire and it will allow you to get the help that you need for as many posts as it takes. We do not mind, it is just better all the way 'round.

Recording Arpeggio data to an external sequencer is at the deeper end of the difficulty pool. Lights flashing and other odd behavior could be the result of improper routing - because both Cubase and the MOXF have clocks it is very easy to have clocking data routed in a loop which can cause all kinds of odd behaviors, and eventually might even crash your system. While this is not harmful, it can cause you anguish and a bit of head scratching. You need to, when recording arpeggios, have the data dead end in the sequencer that is recording it. So if you are attempting to record an arp into Cubase, you must make sure that the data does not travel in a loop back to the MOXF. If it does it will trigger the arpeggio again, which will be recorded to cubase and sent back to the MOXF which will trigger the arpeggio again, which will be recorded to cubase .. and so on and so on, until your system overloads. Not to worry, you can fix this so it works smoothly and records every thing just as you would like.

First thing we can tell you is, make sure you are launching Cubase AI7. Cubase AI7 has all the special extras Yamaha included for you...

I recorded a part in pattern mode incorporating the arpeggiator with a drum kit, and a separate one using a bass. The problem began as I was recording the bass line. I noticed that the led's from the assignable functions on the keyboard were flashing on and off for no apparent reason.

From this we cannot tell if you recorded to the MOXF sequencer (Pattern mode) or you recorded to Cubase. Please tell us how you setup and where the TRACKS were recorded.

Did you synchronize the Clocks?
Did you set Cubase as the Master clock?
Did you set the MOXF to Slave to the clock of Cubase?
How are you preventing the ARPEGGIO data from looping back to the MOXF - MIDI notes coming from the track will also trigger the arpeggiator. So unless you took precautions to prevent the ARP data from going back to the MOXF, you have what we describe as a MIDI Loop... chaos will ensue.

The Assignable Function buttons [AF1]/[AF2] can be made to flash on and off by data included in the arpeggio. So without know which arpeggio you were using or anything about what you were doing, it is almost impossible for us to diagnose your issue. Please provide as much detail as you can. We'd be happy to help you sort it out.

If you can tell us what you want to do exactly...we can help you. Where you are recording the data - to the MOXF sequencer or to Cubase?

Posted : 15/04/2015 12:36 am

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