What are the differences between B.O.M.B and B.O.M.B 2 for the MX?
Thanks 😀
B.O.M.B.2 Best Of Motif Bank version 2 was created when the MX88 joined the MX-series. The (free) download includes three Banks of Performances made from data that made the Motif famous... There is a Bank optimized for the MX88, one optimized for the MX61 and a third optimized for the MX49 owner... with the thought in mind that needs of the MX49 owner would be different from the needs of the MX88 owner - simply based on the keyboard real estate. (More synthy sounds in the MX49 file, more bread&butter sounds in the MX88 file).
Any of the Banks can be loaded into any of the products (in other words nothing prevents you from loading the MX49 oriented bank into the MX88 or vice versa), the difference is really in the focus on the types of sounds, etc.
BOMB (the original came out with the very first MX49/MX61)... If you get BOMB2, I believe you will have all of the Best Of... selections.
Many thanks Bad Mister, it's much appreciated for your help again.