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confused about saving voice with part edit on MX88

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Hey all, new to the MX88 (one week in). I have the basics down.. how to make a new performance, organize the voices etc. But I'm really getting confused with applying effects to the voices. As I understand it (is this correct?): Within a performance voice, if I select edit, then common, any of those settings are applied to the all voices of the performance. But, I've found that in order for a particular voice to have that common effect, I've had to go into PART edit to turn on up rev receive (I think it's called), or something that allows it to have that common effect. I think.

But, I'm getting confused with trying to apply different voice insert effects: say I want flanger on part 1, wah on part 2, delay on 3, and so on. I now understand that I have to turn on insert switch (again- I think it's called.. I'm not in front of the mx) and then select the desired effect. BUT.. seems I can only do that for four of the 16 parts. Yes? So, once I've maxed that out the remaining parts can only get the common effects?

I'm also confused about whether, once I apply flanger or whatever, do I save as a new user voice? It gets clunky when I apply an effect to a part, then try to save the performance and it asks "delete voice edit" (something like that) before it lets me save the performance.. and then the effect is gone for that part.

Can someone explain to me the nuances of how this works? Thanks so much


Posted : 01/03/2019 6:03 am
Bad Mister
Posts: 12304

Hi, and welcome to YamahaSynth!

There are different Effect blocks... the best way to think about this is to use a real world analogy. The Voices are like individual musicians... the Performance is like a group of musicians who get together to gig or record.

A “Voice” can have its own Effect... much like a musician can have a personal Effect. The guitar player might have a Wah Pedal — that is the guitar player’s Effect, no one else is going to plug into it, it’s the guitar player’s personal Effect. The organ player might have a Rotary Speaker — that is the organ player’s personal effect, no one else is going to plug into it. It’s the organist’s personal Effect. These type of effects are called Insertion Effects... the instrument is, literally, inserted into these effects, in-line, before the signal goes to the band’s mixer.

A “Performance” is like where all the different musicians get together... and it works like a mixer... with Volumes, Sends, Pan, etc. each has its own channel on the mixer. The channel has two Aux Sends... one feeds to the Reverb, the other to a time delay Effect. These effects are called System Effects. Each channel of the mixer can send a certain amount of signal into these Effects. They recreate the room acoustics... all the instruments in the band share the room acoustics.

Only the guitar player uses the wah, only the organ uses the Rotary Speaker, but once they are both plugged into the band’s mixer, they each have a Send amount control to feed the System Effects.

On the entry level MX only a certain number of musicians can bring along their personal effects from the Voice to the Performance... 4
As you move up the product line, more muscle for processing means more simultaneous Insertion Effects.. the MOXF allows 8 Dual Insertions; the MODX allows 12 Dual Insertion Effects; and the MONTAGE allows all 16 Parts to have their own dual Insertion Effects
All models have two System Effect blocks...

If you are recording to a DAW, please realize you can reallocate the INSERT SWITCH... a maximum of 4 can be active simultaneously with the MX... after you record the Part to your DAW as Audio, you deactivate the INS SW for those Parts and activate the INS SW on four others...this is viable because you can transfer musical Parts while recording in multiple passes. This way every Part can utilize an Insertion Effect if you so desire.

If you wish to create an instrument (User Voice) think of the Insert Effect as being apart of the Voice.
Then when that Voice is placed in one of the 16 Parts of the Performance, you can activate the INS SW for that Part when you are ready to record it as Audio to your DAW.

Please see the Videos and tutorial articles on the MX in the LEARN area of this site:
MX Series Videos and Articles

Posted : 11/03/2019 4:37 am

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