Almost every other forum I use remembers me so that I don't have to log in every single time. It would be great if YamahaSynth did this.
The newer forum seems to remember me longer than the older one. Not sure there's a real difference or if I "got lucky" a few times. Where before I had to login multiple times a session - I have been able to return to the forum and find myself still logged on recently.
Previous feedback has been met from the web team that there was nothing that could be done about the timeout period at the time of the request.
Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R
Thank you for your input regarding extending the amount of time a user is signed-in. That is not something that can change at this time. We'll keep your request as a reference for the future. Thank you.
Amy - Community Coordinator