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wahwah pedal settings

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I would like to use my fc7 foot pedal as a wahwah function with certain clav voices when plugged into assignable pedal input. Can't seem to find a simple step by step for a newbie. Help?

Posted : 03/10/2016 12:56 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

An FC7 pedal can be plugged into the MOXF, and while their are two Foot Controller devices, there is only one Foot Controller jack. With the MOXF’s it is an either/or situation, globally. You must choose either a fixed function use, or an assignable function use for the pedal. If you opt for the fixed function it will always control Volume. If you opt for the assignable option then you will/must assign it in each Voice, as necessary, where you wish to use it.

As we say: the good news is its assignable, the bad news is you have to assign it.... Here’s how it works:

Either you set the Foot Controller as "FC1" which is fixed to send cc011 Expression, by default.
Or you set the Foot Controller as "FC2" which is sending cc004, by default, which is assignable to any of 101 Destinations within the MOXF Voice architecture.

You would opt to use the pedal globally as an Expression pedal (at all times) if that suits your situation. This is how the MOXF defaults out of the box. FC1= cc011 Expression. Expression will ALWAYS affect Volume!!!

However, if you are into having the pedal do different things on different Voices, you would opt to set the pedal to send cc004 Foot Control (which is generic) FOOT CONTROL has no fixed function and is assignable - now the pedal’s destination is programmable/assignable on a per Voice basis. This option means if you want to use it as a volume control you will need to program that Voice so cc004 controls Volume as the Destination within that Voice’s Control Set. This will also allow you on other Voices to use the pedal to be a Wah-Wah when that is called for, as an example

The method to make the pedal an assignable device on a per Voice basis
Go to [UTILITY] > [F4] CTL ASN (Controller Assign) > [SF1] ASSIGN
Set FC1 = cc004 FOOT CONTROL

By setting the FC1 device to the same number as the FC2 device assignment, it, in affect, becomes “FC2”.
Now recall the Voice "Pedal Wah Clavi MW" Preset 1:079(E15) where currently the Mod Wheel is setup as a wah. You can look in that Voice’s CONTROL SET to see how this was accomplished - the controller is assigned to an available parameter within the INSERTION EFFECT (one of the 101 possible Destinations).

To navigate to the CONTROL SET
Press [EDIT]
Press [COMMON]
Press [F4] CTL SET
Press [SF1] SET 1/2

Here you see Set 1 has the MW set to control the Pedal Wah (Insertion Effect)
In this Voice it is assigned to "INS A EfPdCtl" which translates to Insert Effect A, Effect Pedal Control

Change MW to FC2(04)
Now instead of the MW your FC7 pedal will work the Wah-Wah.

Hope that helps.

Alternative method would be to assign the Control Set Destination to "Cutoff" allowing the pedal to directly control the Filters assigned to this Voice.
Cutoff is one of those 101 possible Destinations within that Control Set.

Posted : 03/10/2016 1:39 pm
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Where you say Change MW to FC2(04) does this mean I change the "SOURCE" to FC2(04)"? I did this but peddle is not working...just the mod wheel.
(Clav peddle Wah MW) or must you save it before the effect changes? Also my foot switch is plugged into "foot controller" I also have two inputs under foot switch. One input is assignable, the other is sustain. Not sure what the assignable is used for.

Posted : 03/10/2016 2:52 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

The FC7 is not a foot switch, it is considered a Foot Controller. It is a sweep pedal suitable for Volume, or Wah-Wah.

Plug the FC7 into the Foot Controller jack.
Then reassign it as I outlined above so that it becomes FC2(04)

Posted : 03/10/2016 4:05 pm
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got it... thank you.

Posted : 04/10/2016 12:00 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

There is an alternate method to setting up a Wah-Wah effect - took me a minute to find my old article on setting this up for MOXF, but here it is below. You may find one or the other method works for you, anyway it's good to have choices:

ALTERNATE METHOD: Using an FC7 assigned to control FILTER within the VOICE itself

Setting up a Foot Pedal (FC7) as a wah-wah via FILTER CONTROL - Setup the Foot Controller so FC1 = cc004 FOOT CONTROL as in the previous setup.

EDIT the Voice by setting up a Control Set as follows:

select the Voice while in Voice Mode
Press [EDIT]
Press [COMMON]
Press [F4] CTL SET (Control Set)

In one of the Control Sets set the Dest (Destination) = "FLT-Freq" (cutoff)
ElementSwitch - activate it for each Element (12345678)
Source = FC(04) Foot Controller 2
Set the Depth to any value +1 ~ +63 (set to any positive value to your taste, maximum is +63)

This will make the FC7 pedal plugged into the FootController jack control the cutoff frequency of the filter. Then you need to go to the individual Elements and program the degree of control you want from each.

Press Track [1] to select Element 1 EDIT parameters
Press [F3] FILTER
Press [SF1] TYPE
Select a LPF (of your choice) 24dB will be deepest
Set the Cutoff (frequency) = to a low number (to taste) a setting of “0” will give you the deepest wah effect when the pedal is heel down. Set to your taste.

Repeat for each Element. Touch the Track buttons 1-8 to select possible Elments.

By setting the Cutoff Frequency to a low number you are “biasing” the control to the FC. The Filter’s cutoff frequency will be determined by the position of the wheel. When the pedal is heel-down the filter is closed and when the pedal is toe-down the fiter is open.

If you want to reverse the direction of this:
Set the Cutoff of each Element to 255 and set the Control Set Depth to a negative value -1 ~ -64 (set to any negative value to your taste, maximum is -64).

The direction of effectiveness is purely a matter of choice.

This is a completely silent wah-wah, if you miss the noise of the old Morley or Cry Baby, you can use the other Dual Insertion Effect to dirty it up. Or combine it with the Pedal Wah Insertion Effect for more defined filter cutoff - experiment!

Hope that helps.

Posted : 04/10/2016 6:49 pm

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