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Draw Bars on Faders

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I've seen several Montage demos using the faders as draw bars to operate the organ. My faders don't have any effect on my M8 organs. What am I doing wrong?

Perhaps I discovered that only a few organs work like this such as "Multi-Bars" for example.

Posted : 19/05/2016 4:07 am
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

Close inspection of your front panel will reveal three different roles for the Faders:
Part 1-8
Part 9-16

When the top green light is lit, each Fader controls a corresponding Part, 1-8 - these are the eight Parts you control via the "Keyboard Control"
When the bottom green light is lit, each Fader controls a corresponding Element within the selected Part.

Recall the Performance "All 9 Bars" it is in the first LIVE SET - "Best of Montage 1"
The organ here features all 9 drawbars plus some elegant B3 noises...
Part 1 features eight Elements: 16', 5 1/3', 8', 4', 2 2/3', 2', 1 3/5', and 1 1/3'
Part 2 features six Elements: the 1', plus five Elements of B3 "character" (percussion, rotar grit, rotar noise, key clicks...)

Recall the PERFORMANCE (HOME) screen. You do so by pressing the [PERFORMANCE (HOME)] button, or by touching the "home" icon in the upper left corner of the screen. This places you on the main screen for this Performance... You can see the two Parts occupying slots 1 and 2..

Notice the cursor highlights the Performance Name.
And the screen indicates that COMMON ASSIGN is selected (next to the knob icons)
If you notice on the right front panel the [COMMON] L.E.D. is lit and the Fader's green light indicates they are set to do Parts 1-8.

Touch the front panel button labeled [1/1] just to the right of the [COMMON] button to select PART 1
Notice in the screen it now indicates that Part 1 is selected, the cursor now highlights Part 1, and the bottom FADER function (Elements/Operators) is selected.

With Part 1 selected you can access drawbars 16', 5 1/3', 8', 4', 2 2/3', 2', 1 3/5', and 1 1/3' via Faders 1-8
Select Part 2, [2/2], Fader 1 is your 1' drawbar. Faders 2-6 are the percussion, grit, noise, and clicks...

From this Performance you can edit by moving the Faders to create your favorite settings - then press STORE to create a new Performance.

Hope that helps.

Posted : 19/05/2016 5:09 am
Posts: 0
Eminent Member

THANKS, Bad Mister!! Got it now.
OOPS, no I don't! πŸ™
I did some edits to All 9 Drawbars! (put the 9th drawbar, which I use more, on the 8th slider, etc) and saved my work as a new Performance, "Tommy Smythe" (don't want to presume to be of "Smith" legacy or quality, though we all try!)
BUT when I chose another Perf and then come back to my new Perf, the 8 Sliders don't come up 'active' for controlling the Elements like they do on "All 9..." - I even tried pressing the buttons Performance Control, and then Part 1 Select, and then resaving my Perf. But each time i recall my Perf, I have to press Part 1 Select again before the sliders indicate that they are in the mode to control my 'drawbars.'

the only clue I have, is that when All 9 Drawbars! is first called up, the Part Control button is FLASHING! I haven't been able to make it do that!

I'm going to try to figure this out on my own (hah- that probably means rereading some Bad Mister and Jason posts here, not really the same as on my own.) I will continue to edit this chronicle of a user's trek towards understanding, in the goal of showing Yamaha some of the misconceptions we users tend to stumble into.

Thanks again for an amazing instrument.

Posted : 10/02/2017 2:40 pm
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With the latest OS V1.5 has any of this process changed or is it still the same? I haven't experimented with it yet on the new organs. Do they default to draw bars on faders?

Posted : 10/02/2017 3:16 pm
Posts: 8328
Illustrious Member

v1.50 should not have changed that. A previous firmware release (v1.20) did add the ability to save the default "control function" with a performance. Control function as "performance control", "part control", and "element/operator control".

Previous to 1.20, a drawbar organ, which could use sliders for the organ, would default to a setting where the mode of the sliders would not map to the drawbars.

Feature from 1.20 release notes:

Element / Operator Control has been added for β€œControl Function.”
You can now store Control Function settings as Performance data.

Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R

Posted : 10/02/2017 3:47 pm
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Eminent Member

I think I got it (now):D
The lights that must be lit when I am saving are:
Part Control (FLASHING) => (press Shift with Part Control to make it flash, and then Save the Performance)

Next: Why am I saving Scenes and they indicate they are saved both with their blue lights and the message on the top of the screen;
And yet when I recall them, they're all the same,not as i (thought I) saved them?

Feel free to delete these ramblings. Not sure if they would help anyone, maybe I guess.

Posted : 10/02/2017 5:15 pm
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Eminent Member

I think I understand my misconception about Scenes.
What I was trying to do was make different Scenes out of different configurations of ELEMENTS within one Part - the Drawbars.
That is not something Scenes were designed for.

So now I'll copy my Part to other empty Part locations...
then reconfigure the drawbars in those new Parts (as starting points for further 'live editing')..
And then create Scenes, calling up the different Drawbar 'starting points' (which are Parts) included in the overall Performance.


Posted : 10/02/2017 5:34 pm
Posts: 8328
Illustrious Member

Also, superknob can reach elements so you may be able to have up to 8 presets depending on the superknob position and use the scenes to set superknob.

Not at the keyboard. I'm pretty sure that's possible.

Saves PARTs if you need to add more parts for other layering or sounds without needing to switch performances.

Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R

Posted : 12/02/2017 7:49 am
Posts: 8328
Illustrious Member

Another (non trivial) possibility ...

Say you wanted some presets using keys. I'm going to ignore Bb, and B presets.

C, C#, D, D#, E, F, F#, G, G#, A (10 presets)

Then you could mimic presets by assigning the lowest C - A keys on your keyboard to only a mono (not poly) sound. I like to use just a sine wave (FM) because it is stable. Set these notes to infinite release - meaning after you let go - the level stays the same as the playing level (decay1=decay2=release level). Also, prevent any other (organ, etc) sounds from sharing this key range by setting up any other PARTs' ranges to "keep away" from these 9 notes.

Then the idea is to set the volume of each key from C to A so there is a wide range. Volume should not be based off of velocity, but rather based on pitch. If C - then velocity should be fixed to perhaps C=0, C#=10, D=25, D#=40, E=55, F=70, F#=85, G=100, G#=115, A=127

Hopefully there's enough volume difference between each note that the envelope follower will have a different value for each note. If not, then reduce the amount of presets available and widen the space between. I've setup more-or-less a linear curve (15 volume "ticks" between each except G# to A and C to C#) so maybe something less linear would work better.

Then, you would assign envelope follower to just this part which has these 9 FM sine mono notes (C is volume 0, so not counting it). Assign the output of the PART instead of Main L&R perhaps to "Off" so the routing is internal (for env follower) only. Just like the hammond - pressing these low keys would not make any sound - they would be "setting up" the envelope follower to produce a value.

Then, back in your other PARTs - you could use the envelope follower's output to change the drawbar values. Since these would be offsets - you would have to first "zero out" your sliders. Either that, or default the new organ patch so that the organ defaults at 88-8888-888 then the envelope follower values could be set to subtract from full (8). And the "C" preset would subtract 0 from all bars.

Unlike the Hammond, this method would not have presets override drawbars. Therefore, if you moved drawbars away from 88-8888-888 (manual fiddling) - then the presets would no longer be absolute (what you want) - they would instead be adjusted by the levels of each drawbar. You would have to either move the drawbars back up to the 88-8888-888 position manually for the presets to be correct, or switch out/back in of the performance before hitting a preset.

To me, it's best to stick with scenes or other methods - but wanted to point out some other possibilities if you did want to try a performance that supported latching presets using a range of keys.

Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R

Posted : 13/02/2017 11:54 pm
Posts: 0
New Member

Is there a way to reverse the faders/Drawbars? They are opposite of real organ drawbars. Very annoying. It would be great if they could 'pull' out to increase volume. Not push 'in'/up.

Posted : 04/06/2019 5:25 am
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

No. The sliders on the MONTAGE have two principal roles: β€œPart Volume” in two groups, 1-8, 9-16. And β€œElement/Operator Level”, 1-8. They are not available as Assignable controllers.

Posted : 04/06/2019 11:41 am
Posts: 8328
Illustrious Member

FYI: There is currently an "ideascale" item for this:

More Flexibility In Sliders (Faders)
Currently, Yamaha sliders serve primarily a fixed function. Either they can be fixed to control various volumes (expression) or can be set to a DAW transport control. Ignoring DAW transport control - I would like the "normal" non-transport function of the sliders to be more flexible. Some examples:

1) Ability to reverse the polarity (individually) of each slider. Some uses for this would be for organ drawbar or to enable grabbing two sliders and slide both in the same direction to crossfade (without having to use another automation technique).

2) Ability to assign sliders as controller sources (which also allows for non-linear or non-monotonic behavior to the sliders - even for the same destination they would currently target without the change).

3) Ability to assign sliders (which, in some modes are only SysEx) to CC messages for VST control

In the category of "silly fix" - you could swap your elements 1-8 so that they are backwards (8-1), along with carrying along any other "loose ends" from the element swap, then turn your keyboard around so the keys are on top and back of the keyboard is facing you. Add a MIDI controller "behind" Montage that's connected to Montage's MIDI IN DIN port and Montage in "MIDI" (not USB) mode. A somewhat clumsy hack - but now your sliders appear as reverse polarity.

Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R

Posted : 04/06/2019 4:53 pm

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