Hi, Im very interested in purchasing one (or more) of the Reface keyboards. Im particularly interested in the midi capabilities.
Is it possible to sequence a reface keyboard with an external hardware sequencer (like the Arturia Keystep) via the MIDI breakout cable (provided) while simultaneously using the Reface keyboard to control an external hardware synth (also using the same midi breakout cable) without the keyboard triggering the reface sounds? The crux of my question is: does the MIDI port allow for simultaneous input and output?
Id like to sequence some chord progressions on a reface while using its keyboard to play an external synth.
Thank you,
Yes. You can play the reface via the MIDI IN breakout, while you transmit OUT using the reface as a controller. You’ll want to set Local Control Off so the Key presses on the reface only go Out via MIDI. You can freely select the MIDI Receive and Transmit Channel available in firmware version 1.30
Thank you for your prompt reply Bad Mister. That is so cool what you can do with the reface keyboards. Im looking to integrate one in my EDM production environment (lots of midi seuqencing). Looks as though there shouldnt be any problems;) Now to choose which reface to buy first...
Have a nice weekend!