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Browse by Tag using...
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Browse by Tag using AND

5 Posts
4 Users
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Active Member
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Dear Soundmondo team,

So here is an other suggestion.
At the moment the browse by tag is a logical OR base search. If you select two tags all voices will be shown which be long to one of the two tags. Is it possible to add an AND based search: only voices which have both tags should be shown. This would make searching simpler.


Posted : 11/01/2016 8:14 pm
Posts: 0
Member Admin

Hi Jurgen

Thanks for the feedback. As Soundmondo grows (over 1500 sounds right now,) we have plans to make browse and search more powerful. Your suggestion is interesting, our challenge would be implementing something like that while retaining a simple user interface.

Thanks again for your comment!

Posted : 16/01/2016 7:45 pm
Posts: 0
New Member

Any updates on this?

I'm a new user and there is no way to navigate in the public sound libraries in a way to only get the sounds I want and not have the search results polluted by unwanted sounds.

Posted : 04/07/2020 1:31 pm
Posts: 0
New Member

Many simple search functions would be much helpful:

  • display number count of search results
  • sort results by creation date, name...
  • filter results by tag, author...
  • sync voice directly from search results screen
  • switch search result into simplified view without instruments pictures
  • allow browsing / listing of users with filtering / sorting according to score, country, instruments....
  • etc.
Posted : 04/07/2020 4:30 pm
Posts: 1717
Member Admin

Hi Jurgen

Thanks for the feedback. As Soundmondo grows (over 1500 sounds right now,) we have plans to make browse and search more powerful. Your suggestion is interesting, our challenge would be implementing something like that while retaining a simple user interface.

Thanks again for your comment!

This seems to be a massive problem in all Yamaha software.

Hire designers.

These are the problems they solve.

Teach the programmers to listen to the designers, and do as they say.

Do not let programmers design user interfaces, nor ever tolerate programmer discussions on user experiences, ever.

They'll either get analysis paralysis (as it seems you have), or make things like the MODX and Montage without Undo functionality.

Posted : 18/10/2020 8:22 am

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