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Yamaha S80 -- Midi program changes

3 Posts
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I’m wanting to use my Yamaha AN1x to control patch changes to the my S80.

The AN1x is transmitting on channel 1. The S80 is receiving on channel 1.

The S80 will correctly respond to a 1-to-1 patch change from the AN1x to S80 as long as the S80 remains in either Voice Play Mode PRE1 or Voice Play Mode EXT (e.g., if the S80 is in Voice mode-PRE1 and I enter 001 on the AN1x, the S80 will change to PRE1: “001 (A1)”; If the S80 is in Voice mode-EXT and I enter 017 on the AN1x, the S80 will change to EXT: “017(B1).

Here’s the confusing part #1: If I manually change the S80’s voice play mode to either PRE2 (or INT) and then enter 001 on the AN1x, the S80 will automatically jump from voice play mode PRE2 (or INT) and back to voice play mode PRE1. I’d like the S80 to remain in either PRE2 (or INT) while I send program changes from the ANIx.

Very Confusing part #2: If I put the S80 in PERFORMANCE mode (whether INT or EXT) and I enter 001 on the AN1X, the S80’s Performance memory will not change to “PERF Play --:001(A01)”; but instead, the individual PARTS within the Performance are changing.

Anyone have an idea of a quick fix for either confusing part #1 or part #2?

Posted : 20/12/2016 4:35 pm
Posts: 0
New Member

Disable S80 bank select, enable program change...

Owner's Manual p.137

Posted : 20/12/2016 7:24 pm
Posts: 0
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Thank You, Paul!

Posted : 22/12/2016 9:41 pm

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