Any news of a new OS Update for YC?
It's been almost 1 year since Yamaha released the latest update 1.2 of the YC OS. Will we have a new update this month? If anyone has any news, please share it here. Thank you.
Radio silence and crickets typically. Basically we know when or after they release it. They did such good work last time (some of which was years overdue) except for additional voices they might take 2 years off. Who knows? I'd primarily be most interested in some obvious holes in the voice inventory (probably won't satisfy everyone anyway) and further FM organ expansion etc. A major version v2.0 would be revolutionary so I can only assume it will be v1.3. I'm not sure what Yamaha rule or law only allows for only (1) update per year but several annually would be nicer. A year is a really long time and some of us being of age might not make it until the next belated Yamaha update. I don't think they fully comprehend the energy and excitement around updating a synth OS. It's like a drug addiction. My YC might literally sit for (1) full year waiting until the next update before I blow the dust off of it again. They don't understand how to conjure product excitement and enthusiasm but rather just lul us asleep instead. Plus by remaining silent concerning updates that further adds to our boredom. This is a have it now and have it all digital smartphone generation driven by endless apps and endless distractive pleasures. Update the YC OS monthly and we'll all be addicted to it. Roland has a better clue about synth addiction than does Yamaha. I'm sure some players don't care about updates but I like them.
I would like to add that at 54 I'm transitioning away from true synths and settling on the stage type boards because the synth is just overkill and too much. However I still want some synth style creative prowess to keep me interested. The YC and SKpro types work well providing some sound creation capabilities without getting too deep. The Skpro feature that layers 4 internal voices to create a custom single voice is awesome. That feature would have made the YC unbeatable but would have required a lot more power most likely. Maybe that's the future of stage boards to also be able to load custom user voices (like Nord) and/or layer to make new voices plus the FM expanded organ/synth. Maybe one day on the next generation YC.
[quotePost id=119999]I would like to add that at 54 I'm transitioning away from true synths and settling on the stage type boards because the synth is just overkill and too much. However I still want some synth style creative prowess to keep me interested. The YC and SKpro types work well providing some sound creation capabilities without getting too deep. The Skpro feature that layers 4 internal voices to create a custom single voice is awesome. That feature would have made the YC unbeatable but would have required a lot more power most likely. Maybe that's the future of stage boards to also be able to load custom user voices (like Nord) and/or layer to make new voices plus the FM expanded organ/synth. Maybe one day on the next generation YC. [/quotePost]
I agree with you. And now Yamaha only talks about MODX, a keyboard released more than 6 years ago, no innovation. Maybe they will launch YC Master + with a new pitchbend, let's wait for the next chapters.
Yep, YC 1.3 is already out of the bag. Check the downloads section of the Yamaha YC pages.
Good to see the update. I hope 1.4 adds some of the bread and butter orchestra instruments and pipe organs now offered in the CK. Any flash ROM left after those new pianos? ๐
All the best -- pj
Wonder if the actual piano-oriented (CP) stage product will get these new sampled pianos. No firmware updates on CP as of now.
Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R
[quotePost id=120996]Wonder if the actual piano-oriented (CP) stage product will get these new sampled pianos. No firmware updates on CP as of now.[/quotePost]
The pianos (Hamburg and Felt) are already on the CP. Though there is a new CP80.
The original thread question has been answered now through Tech Talk and the Blake's Take article.
Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R
OS v1.3 is fantanstic! Thank you Yamaha Team!
The CP80 Stage sounds almost identical to the CP80 1 except less attack. Bottom end is probably different too. The other pianos are just more pianos that all sound like pianos but the felt is nice quiet version. A harp, and 2 choirs are the only samples I assume. Wondering if the other 32-ish are all FM/DX internally FM generated or are they also samples? The Fm organ effects are cool and pan.
Nice update, well done!
The chorus and vibrato is especially good on F1 and F2. New CP80 is nice - I think it's different enough to CP80 1 to justify it, and it's better than CP80 2 (which I've always found a bit of a dud). Lots of vintage vibes.
Felt piano is very nice. All the new FM stuff sounds cool - not really my jam, but who knows, maybe it will help expand my horizons.
I've always been fond of the Nashville piano, but was always irritated by some noises in the middle C/C#/D area. These are still here, but by substituting the new Hamburg into the upper half with a split, I think I've found my perfect piano.
Just need some pipe organs now ๐
In addition to several new sounds Yamaha included 2 new samples of real Human Choir very beautiful, the YC didn't have any choir before. They are very good mixed with the pianos.
Yeah that's still a mystery why Yamaha's premier organ focused board does not offer pipe and other type organs whereas the cheaper product line does. I can only assume the cheaper line offers only pipe organ or other sampled versions of organ. If they were only going to toss in subpar AWM2 pipes that's probably not up to the YC status or level anyhow. If it cost $400 to manufacture the CK61 (Listed for $1,000 means on sale would be $799 so can't be more than $300 or $400 to make any profit) I can only assume it's not as good sounding but I guess I'll order one and compare it. I returned the CP line after a few days because it wasn't even close to YC quality. So this many years after YC and almost free I'm wondering how good is it really. Just think they even paid to install battery power and stereo speakers. I really want to take the cover off of it and look inside.
[quotePost id=121011]The other pianos are just more pianos that all sound like pianos but the felt is nice quiet version. [/quotePost]The two additional pianos (Hamburg and Felt) were on the CP, and some people have complained that the YC didn't have all the pianos of the CP. You can't please everyone...
[quotePost id=121016]Yeah that's still a mystery why Yamaha's premier organ focused board does not offer pipe and other type organs whereas the cheaper product line does. I can only assume the cheaper line offers only pipe organ or other sampled versions of organ. If they were only going to toss in subpar AWM2 pipes that's probably not up to the YC status or level anyhow. [/quotePost]
OK, OK, this is my favorite soap-box issue. ๐
Flame ON.
I'll speak up for a lot of players. More EDM rubbish? I'm sick of EDM steering product decisions. Does Yamaha really think a few EDM voices are going to sell 2,000 dollar organ keyboards to two-finger laptop jockeys?
Montage/MODX have two FM pipe organ performances. The developers couldn't see their way to adding those two voices in the update? How hard is it to add a new FM voice?
Flame OFF.
The CK pipe organ voices were lifted from Genos and they are darned good. I sampled them from Genos in order to play them on MODX. Once again, DIY.
Cheesh. I'm tired -- pj