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thoughts on v1.30 YC88

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in V1.20 YC 88 Organ generator uses one volume setting that affects both the Upper and Lower Manuals ! Who else does not like this ? We can transpose each layer individually, why not have separate volume levels on each layer? Does V1.30 address this ?
Also as per V1.30, the new added Live sets that contain all the new presets eat into our blank user memory leaving us with only with only 3 blank Live sets. It will be no easy task to re-arrange the factory live sets/ presets deciding what to delete both on a patch and Live set level. An editor Librarian would sure help obviously. How about a ram expansion so that we can have more onboard live sets/ patches ????

Posted : 05/04/2023 2:56 am
Posts: 823
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[quotePost id=121000]in V1.20 YC 88 Organ generator uses one volume setting that affects both the Upper and Lower Manuals ! Who else does not like this ? We can transpose each layer individually, why not have separate volume levels on each layer?[/quotePost]
You need to be able to transpose your upper and lower organ settings in order to have any semblance of duplicating a real two manual B3 over a single set of keys. However a real two manual B3 does not have separate volume settings for each manual, except by altering the drawbar levels themselves, which you can do on the YC as well. For example, if you wanted both manuals to be playing the sound of the first 3 drawbars, but you wanted the top manual louder, you could set your top registration to 888 000 000 and your lower manual registration to 444 000 000, which is the same sound, but quieter.

[quotePost id=121000]Also as per V1.30, the new added Live sets that contain all the new presets eat into our blank user memory leaving us with only with only 3 blank Live sets. It will be no easy task to re-arrange the factory live sets/ presets deciding what to delete both on a patch and Live set level. [/quotePost]
Ah, the age old dilemma manufacturers deal with. Leave user spaces empty, they'll hear from people who say they should have been filled with more factory-programmed stuff. Fill them up, they'll hear from people who say they're frustrated because they can't save their users sounds without erasing/replacing something that's already there.

Most Live Sets merely have a single existing sound (all the non-organ sounds exist by themselves in the KeysA/KeysB sections), just with particular effects/settings applied. So those sounds are not truly "unique" in that sense... recognizing them as what they are (i.e. sample variations of the voices that are always available anyway) may help you see them as more expendable. But you can also back them up and always get them back if and when needed.

[quotePost id=121000]An editor Librarian would sure help obviously. [/quotePost] See

[quotePost id=121000]How about a ram expansion so that we can have more onboard live sets/ patches ????[/quotePost]
That's not going to happen, but if the current 160 Live Sets (20 pages of 8) are not enough, look into off-loading some or all of them to a USB stick, and bring in the ones you need for the project at hand. See page 41 of the manual.

Posted : 05/04/2023 3:48 am
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Loading this up now. I see only (6) new sampled voices (3) are more pianos/EPs which we don't need. A piano in a performance or recording sounds like, you guessed it, a piano! Harp, Choir and Air Choir are the other 3 might be a good addition. I assume the other 32-ish voices are FM/DX are all actual FM generated internally and not samples voices. Let's see if any are interesting or not. I guess the "DX" voices could be sampled from the DX machine and not generated internally. Update: I did run thru these and sounds good IMO. Something is better than nothing that's for sure. The pan ability is great of course you have to menu dive to do it, no real time panning unless they can assign somehow or to pedal etc.. The FM Organ effects sounded amazing but I only flipped thru that quickly. I need to explore that more to understand the differences. How go play........ until the YC Mark 2 comes out.

Posted : 05/04/2023 7:04 pm
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Another Scott,

Most Live Sets merely have a single existing sound (all the non-organ sounds exist by themselves in the KeysA/KeysB sections), just with particular effects/settings applied. So those sounds are not truly "unique" in that sense...

exactly my point ! If you leaf through all the ROMPLER sounds in memory in a default patch ie. no effects, or envelopes, or other parameters that shape those wave samples, some sound un useable to me and need TLC, that's where the pre made factory patches shine, all the work has been done to tweak them up to par. I love programming my own sounds and for my live set of my album, I start with raw samples in the YC and tweak the heck out of them, then store my edits. Well this new update is taking away places to store user custom patches, and live sets, sure we could start dumping data to USB stick, but going in and out of a usb stick is counter productive and just a work around to not having enought on board memory. All other synths have HUNDREDS of user memory available like the OB-6 and Prophet REV 2 I should know I own them .

Posted : 05/04/2023 8:15 pm
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Don't have a YC so could you explain what I am missing?

Also as per V1.30, the new added Live sets that contain all the new presets eat into our blank user memory leaving us with only with only 3 blank Live sets.
. . .

Page 63 of the Owners doc says there are 160 user live set slots.
The YC page says update 1.3 added 32 live set sounds


YC OS v1.3 adds 32 new Live Set sounds highlighting the new piano and FM Voices.

I'm trying to understand how there would only be 3 left when 160 minus 32 is 128.

Posted : 05/04/2023 8:44 pm
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Page 63 of the Owners doc says there are 160 user live set slots.
The YC page says update 1.3 added 32 live set sounds

to simplify, Live set sound= 1 preset, a live set is a page of 8 Live Set sounds/ slots. There are only 20 pages (live sets) that contain 8 slots each... 160/8=20. You have to understand YC speak, a live set sound is a preset ie "Natural Grand" which happens to be Live set 1 slot 1 factory preset

Posted : 06/04/2023 2:18 am
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I'm trying to understand how there would only be 3 left when 160 minus 32 is 128.

The YC is factory loaded with 13 live sets in each there are 8 slots ( preset sounds) Live sets 14-20 are empty for the user to program. The update 1.30 fills Live sets 14-17 with new presets. Therefore leaving only 3 Live sets #'s 18-20 for users to fill. Of course one could write over any slot in any Live Set to suit their needs but that would remove a factory sound from the location written over, if you don't want to loose that factory preset you then have to copy it to another location that works for you.

Posted : 06/04/2023 2:25 am
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What Yamaha is doing is demonstrating the new capabilities but obviously you don't have to keep or use any of them. All you have to do is listen to them and then get rid of them and go back to empty slots whatever you want to do. True to that Yamaha in the year of release (hoverboards everywhere) till now there should have been thousands of slots available. 160 is pretty silly but they think a "stage board" is for dummies who can't handle more than 16 voices at once. Turns out probably based on CP design but their vision was a little short sighted because you could have thousands in reality. I would probably have 500 if I had room. Don't really enjoy saving and loading anything that's horrible.

Posted : 06/04/2023 2:51 am
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Got it - thanks for the details.

Not having a YC I couldn't follow what you first said.

At some point along the way they added 'banks' to the 'Live Set' Functionality.

So on the Modx there is one 'Preset' bank that has 16 pages of 16 slots each. Then you can create 8 'User' banks (User 1, User 2, etc) and each of them can have 16 pages of 16 slots each.

Posted : 06/04/2023 3:01 am
Posts: 8352
Illustrious Member

160 = total number of slots.

Each page has 8 slots.

There are 20 pages (of 8 slots) and each of these Rick is calling a "live set".

This firmware adds 32 new live set slots (I'm guessing without overwriting the previous ones) so that could take up 32/8 = 4 new pages vs the previous firmware (or you start out with 4 less pages than before).

Apparently you now get 3 blank pages (there were 7 pages before). That'd be 3*8 = 24 open slots.

Seems like someone could just "save off" all of the Live Set content to Soundmondo (it might be worthwhile for Yamaha to proactively do if they haven't already) so all of that could be available in Soundmondo if you really wanted to reference it but then all 20 pages could be seen as open for assignment.

Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R

Posted : 06/04/2023 3:41 am
Posts: 823
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[quotePost id=121012]exactly my point ! If you leaf through all the ROMPLER sounds in memory in a default patch ie. no effects, or envelopes, or other parameters that shape those wave samples, some sound un useable to me and need TLC, that's where the pre made factory patches shine, all the work has been done to tweak them up to par. I love programming my own sounds and for my live set of my album, I start with raw samples in the YC and tweak the heck out of them, then store my edits. Well this new update is taking away places to store user custom patches[/quotePost]
If you wish Yamaha had left those spaces blank, you can just make them blank, you're no worse off for it. ๐Ÿ˜‰

But really, if you listen to them, I doubt you think every one is a sound you must keep... dump the ones you don't see yourself using.

Also, many of them have, for example, a single Keys A sound. You can copy some other Live Set's single Keys A sound and make it a Keys B sound, (so you'd have a particular single Live Set you'd call up for either one of those sounds). That would be one way of stretching, essentially adding a whole lot more Live Set locations without losing any of Yamaha's pre-programmed sample Live Set sounds.

Between easy archiving of sounds and easy copying sounds between Live Sets, to address your issues, you'd probably benefit from the John Melas tools mentioned earlier.

[quotePost id=121012]All other synths have HUNDREDS of user memory available like the OB-6 and Prophet REV 2 I should know I own them .[/quotePost]
The YC has 160 user memories, each of which can have up to three stored sounds (one organ, and two others), so it may not be as far away from what you're expecting as you think. And keep in mind, the more pages they add, the more cumbersome scrolling through to find your sound can become. A board like the MODX addresses this with a big touchscreen with one-tap navigation to different categories and sub-categories, and a field into which you can type a search string, and other ways to filter your results. It's very flexible, but the YC's operation is designed to do fewer things, but do them more simply.

[quotePost id=121021]At some point along the way they added 'banks' to the 'Live Set' Functionality[/quotePost]No, it's been that way since 1.0.

What Rick is calling a "Live Set" is actually a Page (or Bank) of 8 Live Sets (again, each Live Set often having only one sound in it, but capable of having up to three). The update filled pages 14-17 with 32 new Live Sets, leaving empty only pages 18-20 which would hold 24 additional user Live Sets (which, again, can themselves contain more than 24 sounds).

[quotePost id=121009]more pianos/EPs which we don't need. A piano in a performance or recording sounds like, you guessed it, a piano! [/quotePost]
Most people probably don't need tons of different piano sounds...but it's nice to have the selection so you can find the handful that really work best for you. Which also gets back to my point about honing in on the sounds you really like. With this new update, Yamaha has filled 136 of the 160 Live Set locations... but that includes probably dozens of pianos and EPs. I doubt many people really envision using every one of them. Go through them, find the ones that really click for you, and relegate the others to a factory backup file somewhere, instead of cluttering up your Live Set locations with sounds you'll never use when there are others in there of the same type which you prefer.

Posted : 06/04/2023 5:08 am

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