Hello - this is an experiment to see if I have grasped the principles of uploading legal Pfs to this Forum. It is a simple blend of 2 Montage preset pianos, lightly tweaked to give a clear, crisp sound, a tiny bit offset for a 'Les Dawson' twang. Assign button 1 adds a little reverb, and sliders 1 and 2 regulate the relative volumes. Nothing else works! It's an 'ALR' (A = piano, LR = layer|) type and I call it '2 Piano Tangy'. Happy to know if it works OK.
It works!
Hello BM - praise be! Finally got it right ... thanks. Don't know how many other soundsmiths are here - those that only produce the sounds that proper musicians can use. Hopefully there are some!
Hello - I propose to drop in now and then with a new Pf created from Montage presets (to avoid copyright problems), and have been a little disappointed with the Organ sounds in Montage. There are a lot, and some nice ones, but nothing that gave me the urgent stridency I wanted for a piece I was playing about with. So I made up 'Gorgan' - which is a bit of a monster, loud and brash and an attention-getter. It did it for me, anyway. All my files, incidentally, are X7B format to be used with 'Connect'.
Thank you Rod.