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Saving a User File vs Backup File to USB

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Probably since my first week of MODX ownership, I had always believed that a User File was "USB Save" of a Single Performance.

Today I realised it isn't. It is a Save of all current User Performances.

So what is the Difference (What is the Point) between saving a User File vs saving a Backup File or saving as a Library File?

To wit... my Preference would be to "backup" my data by saving as a Backup File or a Library File or both.

The User File seems somewhat redundant.

There might be a case for backing up a Single Performance to USB. For example, you just spent 2 days perfecting a specific use Performance, which you want to store to USB for safe keeping, and to recall at a later date.

I'm sure there is a perfectly logical reason, I just don't know what it is.

Posted : 05/02/2022 1:58 am
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

So what is the Difference (What is the Point) between saving a User File vs saving a Backup File or saving as a Library File?

A User File (.X8U) contains your current User Bank
640 Performances
2048 Live Set slots (8 Banks of 256 slots)
2048 Waveforms
256 Arpeggios
256 Motion Sequences
32 User Curves
8 MicroTunings
Current Utility Settings
Quick Setup templates
Audition Phrases

A Library File (.X8L) is the same exact thing as a User File (less the Utility Settings, and Quick Setup templates) but a Library File can be used to install your data into FLASH memory. A User file must load to the User memory where it overwrites the previous data in the User Bank. A Library File is used to write the USER data into one of 8 permanent Flash memory locations - it is the Library file that can write to FLASH, it does not overwrite anything... it always writes to blank FLASH memory

A Backup File (.X8A) includes your entire MODX and can include the current User Bank (640 Performances, et al...) , and all eight Libraries (640 Performance each... et al), plus the SONG Folder (128 .mid Songs) and PATTERN Folder (128 Patterns each with 8 Scenes/one .mid file per Scene)

Any SONG or PATTERN will remain in their respective FOLDERs in internal memory. They are not saved in a User file, nor in a Library file. They are simply stored in internal memory as .mid data. (They are, however, backed up by the BACKUP File.

When you are still new to the MODX these can all be similar is size - but by the time you have several Libraries, lots of Songs and Patterns - the size and time differences when loading these file types becomes significantly different. User Files are typically quick and easy to load. Library File and Backup Files may need to 'burn Waveforms' into FLASH Memory - this take a significant amount of time versus loading data to the USER memory.

If you treat them all the same eventually, you will run into issues. Learn to use the proper file type.

The USER Bank is where you assemble data to build your own custom Library files.
The LIBRARY is a permanent version of a User Bank's data
The BACKUP FILE is a complete duplicate of your entire MODX - if you went on tour - you would take your BACKUP File (and a copy of the latest firmware)... Loading a BACKUP FILE to a rental MODX will turn it into YOUR MODX.

When you want to save a single Performance (as in one at a time) you have two options:
1) Open MODX CONNECT (Windows and Mac compatible software utility) you can SAVE an unlimited number of individual Performances .X7B
2) Open Soundmondo you can SAVE an unlimited number of individual Performances on your computer using Chrome browser WebMIDI or on an iOS tablet or SmartPhone

Posted : 05/02/2022 3:37 am
Posts: 745
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Topic starter

Thanks BM,

this explains the reasoning very well.

Posted : 05/02/2022 7:00 am
Posts: 745
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@Bill.... my mistake... I own a MODX, but accidentally posted in MONTAGE.

BM pretty much answered my Questions... regards where/when/why you would use each of the various "Save to USB" options... i.e. User File vs Library File vs Backup File.

FWIW... Library File makes most sense to me as Frequent Saves (daily/weekly) , with Backup being used on a less Frequent, but still regular basis (Monthly). I also backup my USB Stick to my PC Hard Drive. I am a bit OCD regards losing data forever.

Also, you cannot load a Montage Backup File into a MODX. This is correct and makes sense (see BMs comments above regarding what a "Backup" actually is).

However, Montage Library files are transferrable to MODX, although MODX Libraries would be preferable to avoid any undocumented incompatabilities... for example, when buying 3rd Party Sound Libraries.., DL the MODX Library if available, if not, the Montage Library will still work.

I see some users have both Montage (Studio) and MODX (gigging) and use Montage Library files to "load up" the MODX for gigs.

Posted : 05/02/2022 11:20 pm
Posts: 8349
Illustrious Member

And my MODX CONNECT doesn't seem to be able to load X7B files although it can load X8B files.

X[7,8]B files that Connect uses are bulk dumps with header/footer. The bulk contents is "the same" data that is stored/restored when using Soundmondo. The benefit of Soundmondo is that it will auto-magically translate between MODX and Montage transparently. So for one-at-a-time Performance transfer, Soundmondo would sometimes be a better mechanism than X[7,8]B considering Soundmondo translates between the models while both Soundmondo and Connect's bulk save files do not support Waveforms or user curves/microtuning/etc. If you were going to use bulk files but chose not to due to incompatibility between the two models - consider Soundmondo using "private" if you wish.

Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R

Posted : 06/02/2022 4:13 am

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