Synthbits: A Tour of the Classic CS-60

The Yamaha CS lineup from the mid 1970s (CS-50, CS-60 and CS-80) are highly regarded gems in the world of vintage analog synthesizers. Undoubtably the flagship CS-80 gets the most attention, but the CS-60 defintely shares the same sonic flavor as it’s big brother. Our friends over at Synthtopia posted this video from YouTube user […]

By Blake Angelos

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The Yamaha CS lineup from the mid 1970s (CS-50, CS-60 and CS-80) are highly regarded gems in the world of vintage analog synthesizers. Undoubtably the flagship CS-80 gets the most attention, but the CS-60 defintely shares the same sonic flavor as it’s big brother.

Our friends over at Synthtopia posted this video from YouTube user “raycastile“. He offers an interesting demonstration of the CS-60 – complete with his thoughts on getting the best sound out of classic analog synthesizers.


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