Winter NAMM 2019: Interview with Don Lewis and Dr. John Chowning

It was a privilege to host Don Lewis and Dr. John Chowning at Winter NAMM 2019.  Multi-instrumentalist, vocalist and electrical engineer Don Lewis is a primary influence for what became MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface). Don built an integrated keyboard system know as LEO (Live Electric Orchestra) nearly 10 years before the first MIDI keyboards were […]

It was a privilege to host Don Lewis and Dr. John Chowning at Winter NAMM 2019. 

Multi-instrumentalist, vocalist and electrical engineer Don Lewis is a primary influence for what became MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface). Don built an integrated keyboard system know as LEO (Live Electric Orchestra) nearly 10 years before the first MIDI keyboards were available. Roland founder Ikutaro Kakehashi credits Don Lewis as an inspiration for the development of this important protocol. A documentary entitled “The Ballad of Don Lewis” is in production about this visionary musician.  

Dr. John Chowning is a composer, musician and founder of CCRMA (Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics) at Stanford University in Palo Alto, California. In 1967 Dr. Chowning discovered the FM Synthesis Algorithm, the technology behind the DX7 Digital Programmable Algorithm Synthesizer (see his paper “The Synthesis of Complex Audio Spectra by Means of Frequency Modulation” here). FM has evolved through the years with products like the SY77, SY99, FS1R, reface DX, MONTAGE and MODX, but the genesis of this synthesis technology all started with Dr. Chowning’s research. His later work in the spatial aspects of musical acoustics was influential in the development of surround sound. Dr. Chowning is the Osgood Hooker Professor of Fine Arts and Professor Emeritus of Music at Stanford University.

Check out this memorable interview below: 

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