The MOTIF XF Voice content in MONTAGE appear as Single Part Performances and sound better than ever thanks to the Pure Analog Circuit, DSP and Motion Control Synthesis Engine in MONTAGE! Requires MONTAGE OS v1.6. Download the zipped file of the MOTIF XF Voices for MONTAGE Collection below! How This WorksAll the MOTIF XF Voices […]

By Blake Angelos

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The MOTIF XF Voice content in MONTAGE appear as Single Part Performances and sound better than ever thanks to the Pure Analog Circuit, DSP and Motion Control Synthesis Engine in MONTAGE! Requires MONTAGE OS v1.6. Download the zipped file of the MOTIF XF Voices for MONTAGE Collection below!

How This Works
All the MOTIF XF Voices appear as Single Part Performances in MONTAGE. You may have noticed them as the green-colored Performances when performing a CATEGORY SEARCH. To make it easier to find all the MOTIF XF Voices, we’ve created a series of LIVE SETS. Here are two ways to use them.

Library Files (.X7L)
Each of the Library files load a single LIVE SET bank containing 16 pages with 16 LIVE SET “slots.” Each file contains two complete MOTIF XF Voice Banks (256 Voices) and each Voice appears in MONTAGE as a Single Part Performance. Library files can be loaded IN ADDITION to your existing user data. In other words, loading a Library file WILL NOT erase your user data. The Library files are:


Again, the benefit of loading the content in this way is it will not overwrite content in the User area and it remains in MONTAGE. This allows you to take favorite Performances and arrange them how you want. You can take favorite Performances, rearrange them in the User area and save a new User file. If you want to use this method the entire MOTIF XF Performances will be organized in 5 Banks. Since there are a total of 8 Library locations  in MONTAGE you will have 3 left for installing additional content. Additionally, if you just wanted to check out the content of just MOTIF XF Presets 1 and 2 (the pianos, electric pianos, clavinets and organs) this method allows you to do just that. 

Since Library space is limited you may want to use it for other content. In this case you can choose to load the entire MOTIF XF content as a User file. 

User File (.X7U)

The single User file loads all five MOTIF XF Voice LIVE SETs into the User Bank. The benefit of the USER file is a single file loads the all the five MOTIF XF LIVE SETs. Since only one User Bank can be loaded into MONTAGE it is important to save any existing User content before loading this bank. The MOTIF XF for MONTAGE User file is “MOTIFLIVESET.X7U”:

Live Sets
Live Sets Banks contain 16 Pages of 16 Single Part Performances each corresponding to a Motif XF Voice. Below are the first 16 MOTIF XF Voices for MONTAGE in Live Set Bank MOTIFPRE1-2, Page 1:
The Live Sets are organized in the same order as they appear in the MOTIF XF Data List. Each Bank contains 16 Pages and the categories correspond as follows:

  • MOTIFPRE1-2: Acoustic and electric pianos, clavinets, organs, chromatic percussion, and acoustic and electric guitars.
  • MOTIFPRE3-4: More electric guitars, acoustic, electric and synth basses, solo, ensemble and synth strings, solo, ensemble and synth brass.
  • MOTIFPRE5-6: Solo and ensemble woodwinds, synth leads, synth pads, choirs, and synth comps.
  • MOTIF PRE7-8: More synth comps, musical effects, special effects, ethnic instruments, 8 zone drum kits, mega guitars and basses (for arpeggios) and vocoder.
  • MOTIF USER-GM: The User Bank of the MOTIF XF with the S6 Natural Grand, new clavinets, combo organs, accordions, chromatic percussion, guitars, basses, strings, brass, synth pad, leads and comps, musical effects and special effects. The GM bank contains 128 Single Part Performances that correspond to the General MIDI program specification.

Single Part Performances
Below is the MOTIF XF Voice “Full Concert Grand” appearing as a Single Part Performance in MONTAGE:
These Single Part Performances are a great way to experiment with your own Performance creations in MONTAGE. Adding additional Parts is as easy as touching one of the open Part slots as described above. You can play up to 8 MOTIF XF Voices at once and freely split, layer and velocity map Parts as needed, and with the Motion Control Synthesis System you can assign real-time parameter changes to the Super Knob or create Motion Sequences for cool pads or interesting rhythmic groove. In the next article I’ll explore these concepts and show how MONTAGE makes these great sounds come alive in new ways!

Want to share your thoughts/comments about your experiences with Motif XF Voices in MONTAGE? Join the conversation on the Forum here.

Download here: MOTIF_XF_Voices_for_MONTAGE_2-2

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