Just watched the video. It is obvious that something is wrong. When holding the [UTILITY] and [^] the boot up sequence for the bootloader is immediat...
If you cannot envoke the firmware updater by holding down the [UTILITY] button and the [^] up cursor button then you need to visit a service center. ...
What happens when you power on the Motif while holding the [Utility] button and the [^] up cursor? Does it not go into the boot loader routine? Le...
First make sure you are using the latest firmware: br /> The current version is 1.51 When updated you will get the option for [UTILITY] “Setti...
Go to the "Home" page here. Two of the four videos are live now. More to come.
All three parts have their own A and B insert effects. Please keep trying and let us know.
The only solution I can come up with is using "Direct Performance Record" to put your performance in a pattern or song with a beat/bar reference. You...
No you weren't dreaming, you just had a special preview of what is to come. The article(s) are still being finalized and should be published very soo...